Why are the options in my account settings page blocked by a gravatar picture?

  • For some reason, when I click on account settings to change my password and basic settings, I don’t my see the options to change my password or other settings because my gravatar blocks that area and only shows some option settings toward the bottom. I cleared my cache and cookies and even tried opening it in a new link and it still won’t let me see all of my account settings option because of a stupid blank gravatar picture that says who I am underneath and has ‘sign out’ under it. When i try to change security settings, same thing happens. Could my account be hacked? I don’t know who changed the settings and very worried I may have to shut down my account. Please help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This link will take you directly to the password change page:

    Please let us know if you still have issues changing your password.

  • I changed my password but I still can’t change any settings in my account settings because of the gravatar blocking the options. Thanks anyway, but I think this may be a ‘bug’ issue.. when i click on account settings list of things such as ‘profile’, ‘settings’, ect, it pulls up the page behind the gravatar image and the giant gravatar box with the settings list can’t minimize or disappear.

  • I have tagged this thread so that it can be addressed by a staff member. Please make sure you are subscribed to this thread so that you know when the staff member responds. You can subscribe by clicking the “Subscribe to Topic” link on the right.

  • Hi there,

    Sorry for the trouble! What kind of mobile device are you using to access the account settings page? I can investigate to see if there’s an issue with how the settings page works on that device.

    Also, if you can make a screenshot of what you see on the settings page, that will help me investigate the issue. You can upload screenshots to your Media Library under Media > Add New in your dashboard, or you can use an online service like Snaggy.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about that. :)

  • I can’t take a screenshot as I’ve already tried. I’m using s4 mobile. I’ve tried to disable mobile view and still wouldn’t work. I even tried desktop view and still doesn’t work :-(

  • I’ve been using the same phone for 2 years and never had issues. When I tried accessing my account settings from a different way, it loaded a blank page. It’s wierd..

  • I am using an S4 but don’t have any issues with the site. What browser are you using?

  • Internet e plorer. When i click on account settings, it takes me to a page that says “wordpress.com/me” and i see a blank profile picture labeled my username and says “sign out” underneath and then lists account settings categories underneath. That entire box blocks each page I want to edit, whether if it is my account settings or profile, ect. Not sure if my account is hacked or suffering bug issues..

  • Hi there,

    Can you please try taking a screenshot using the directions at this link:


    It will really help me understand the problem if I can see it. Once you have the screenshot, you can upload it to your sites media library under Media > Add New in the WP Admin dashboard, add it to a draft post on your blog, or email it as an attachment to help@wordpress.com.

    Also, could you try using a different browser on your s4 to see if the setting page loads correctly there?

  • I’m a little confused about your setup. You said you were using a S4, but you also said you were using Internet Explorer as a browser. That doesn’t make sense. Internet Explorer is a browser did Windows only. Can you clarify what you are using?

  • Rachel, thanks for the link, it helped! I just uploaded the screenshot. Please help.

  • Ari, my mobile has two different ways for me to access the web. One of them is google chrome icon and the other looks like a world globe that just says “Internet” and i assumed that’s what u meant by internet explorer. I’m not very good with these terms. Sorry for any confusion.

  • I uploaded the screenshot in my media. Please let me know if you can see it. I’ll upload more in case it will help.

  • Thanks for uploading these ljejld! From this screen:

    Can you try clicking on “Security”? When I click that link, I’m directed to the following page where I can change my password:


    Can you let me know what pops up from that screen for you?

  • I clicked on security settings and I took a screenshot of what it looks like. Screenshot pt 3 shows uploaded page when I clicked on security and it loaded exact same page. Only this time, i can’t see the options because it’s blocked by that stupid page that never goes away when i try to click on those list of settings.

  • And I clicked on the ‘security’ and the screenshot pt3 is the page result.. could this be spam or malware issue? Or culd be I have a bug in my page.

  • It looks like the security page isn’t actually loading when you click on it. It’s highlighting the menu option, but not actually loading the correct URL.

    It looks like you have a “3” potentially signifying three tabs in your browser. It’s not opening in another tab is it?

  • Nope. It doesn’t open in another tab becuz i closed the other tabs and opened that one tab again. When I clicked on the list, it either covers all of the options or parts of it. If u look at the screenshot when i clicked on account settings, u can see that most of the account setting options are cut off because that screen is blocking it. It’s frustrating. I can’t change any options that i can’t see.

  • That’s definitely frustrating! Can you let me know what version of Android you’re running? If possible, can you make sure you’re updated to the latest version?

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