Why are page updates missing?

  • Page Changes Not Saved
    Yesterday (January 4), for two hours from 9:00-11:00 Eastern Standard Time, I was in a staff meeting making collaborative changes to the following URL:


    I made a lot of changes and am 100% certain I published them because I received the updated notification at the top of the page. However, today the changes I made are not there. Also, when I check the revisions for the page, there is no record of my ever having made changes. Help!

    What do you think happened, and can you assist? At the very least, one would think if I had totally forgotten to save the modifications that the next time I opened the page as an administrator, I would have been notified that there was a draft newer than the version currently being used. I didn’t receive that message either.

    This problem has never happened before. We spent a lot of time making live changes, and I would hate to think they’re all gone.
    Blog url: http://anchorageschool.wordpress.com/

  • You mention making collaborative changes, did more than one person have the page open and make edits? It’s possible that this would have overwritten some of the changes you made.

    If you were the only one with the page open then the changes should have saved as a revision. This isn’t the one you’re looking for, right?

    If not, then there may have been a glitch that caused it to not save properly. If it happens again please do let us know.

  • Thanks for the reply! I wish the revision you sent was from yesterday’s meeting, but no, it’s not what I’m looking for. The school administrators and I had gathered to collaborate on changes to our strategic plan. I was the only person logged into the site, the only one actually entering changes. I was using an iPad. Have done the same thing often before, just never have had it not only fail to save draft changes, but also fail to save the final published product even though it indicated “updated” after I clicked the Publish button. Fortunately, the changes we made this time weren’t THAT much. But I’m nervous about having the same thing happen during a future, more intensive editing process. I would really hate to lose a large amount of original text. This makes the first significant glitch we’ve ever had with WordPress, so I’m happy I’ve had months of problem free service. Still, I kind of got burned on this one so now I’m making “live” edits during a meeting.

  • I can’t find anything that would have prevented it, so it could have been an interruption in network connectivity on your end when you uploaded the post, or it could have just been any sort of random temporary glitch.

    It shouldn’t happen again, but if you’re using the iPad app, save a local draft first just in case.


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