Why are notification lists not correct and why has one ceased to notify me?

  • The list of blog post notifications WordPress uses is not correct, and somehow there is something which has gotten screwed up in how WordPress is handling the notifications for my e-mail address and in my account. The basic problem arose several weeks ago when I suddenly stopped receiving notifications of new posts for a blog run by Brian Krebs (krebsonsecurity.com) to which I had subscribed many years ago and for which I had never experienced any previous notification glitch. So, the first thing I did was re-subscribe using the entry form on his website, but didn’t receive any verification e-mail or any subsequent notice of his later postings.

    I then contacted Brian Krebs directly through his online contact form, described the problem I was experiencing and got a response back that when he checked his WordPress blog’s administrative function it showed that my e-mail address was there but that no response to the validation e-mail had been received so it wasn’t activated. He manually activated it and said that should resolve the issue. However, I still didn’t receive any notifications of his subsequent blog postings over the next week and contacted Brian again, but he replied that as far as he could discern I should be receiving the notifications. Since nothing associated with krebsonsecurity ever went into my spam folder (both it and WordPress had been whitelisted long ago), my next step was at the WordPress site (where I didn’t actually login) to input my e-mail and request that WordPress send a list of the blogs to which I was signed up. There were ~20 displayed at the link I was sent in response, and everything in that list was valid but krebsonsecurity was still not among them.

    So, next I actually logged into my WordPress account using the same e-mail address and its associated password to view the notification listing by that manner, but under that method WordPress said I was not subscribed to receive notification from ANY blogs — zero! This result makes no sense, but I’ve gone through the process twice with the same set of results, so somewhere within the WordPress system environment the linkage associated with my e-mail address is simply broken and not working properly.

    It’s the exact same e-mail address which I have used for 25+ years, and I’ve pretty much exhausted what I can think of to do in resolving this problem — the fault clearly seems to be somewhere in the WordPress system, so I’m taking this approach to see if anyone who monitors this support process can provide advice and assistance.

  • Hello there,
    The site krebsonsecurity.com is using the WordPress.org software and is self hosted. Self hosted blogs rely on their own mailing mechanisms(php mail/plugins/ Mailchimp etc.) for emailing subscribers. They do not involve WordPress.com servers for emails. Hence you didn’t find the subscription to krebsonsecurity.com in your WordPress.com subscriptions. You will be able to subscribe to WordPress.com sites using your WordPress.com account.

    You can read more about the differences between WordPress.com and WordPress.org here.

    It would be best to reach out to krebsonsecurity.com for more help regarding your email issues with them.

  • Ok, and many thanks for the response — as a non-blogger/simple user I was completely unaware of the domain-based difference (both in existence and internal management or handling of blog functions).

    I’ve posted a follow-up to Brian with a link to this support thread, but as there seems to be no way to query the WordPress.org site for a list of subscriptions under a specified e-mail address as there is for the WordPress.com site, there’s not much more I can do on my end of things.

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