why are my posts not showing up on the tag surfer?

  • Any idea why my posts are not showing up on the WordPress tag surfer? I published a post on Sufism shortly ago, and went to the tag surfer. My post is not showing up under any of the tags I used in the post. There are posts there on Sufism from over a week ago, but my post is not there. Actually, I haven’t been able to catch any of my posts on the tag surfer.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It might have just been delayed because I see your post in this:



  • Thank you, Trent. The page you sent is a good page to know about. I wasn’t aware of it. The tag surfer I was looking at though is in the drop-down list under My Account (in the upper left section of one’s blog). I understand that those posts, based on post tags, move very fast, but my posts never seem to be there at all. I just thought maybe there’s something I need to do (or not do) to get my posts onto the tag surfer.

    Thanks for responding.

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