Why are embedded images displaying at up to three times the size they are set at

  • How are you re-sizing the images? Are you using the pre-set (small, medium, large) sizes or the percentage tool on the Advanced tab?

  • First of all. The problem is an ongoing one in which images that were previously displaying at the proper size suddenly get changed to three times the size they are set at in the editor. It’s been awhile, but if you look at some of the earlier messages in this thread you’ll see.

    So, question one is: Why do they suddenly expand?

    You, or you and other WordPress support, have previously addressed several examples I gave you where this expansion was occurring and somehow “fixed” the problems on those sites. After you had fixed two of them, evarlese said

    This is related to some changes we made on our end regarding how images are resized. If you see this on any of your other blogs, please just let us know and we’d be happy to fix the problem for you.

    Well, I had a few more instances occur after that and then it appeared to be resolved for several weeks. Now it’s happening again, though I haven’t checked around on other sites to see whether it’s happening elsewhere (other WP blogs of mine).

    Back to your questions.

    How are you re-sizing the images? Are you using the pre-set (small, medium, large) sizes or the percentage tool on the Advanced tab?

    Resizing? When? I typically choose a preset size and then modify them manually by dragging. But this is not an issue with re-sizing. As I’ve said before, the sizes are correct in the editor, and displaying two to three times the set size in the cases I have provided as examples of the issue.

  • The images are not being published in their original size, so I need to know if you’re using presets or the percentage re-sizing so that we can actually track down the problem.

    The full size issue is on our end, but it’s being triggered by the initial resizing that you do on your end.

    The core issue was fixed a while ago and shouldn’t happen again, yet there is something that is being done to your images prior to publishing that is causing it to come back, so we need to know exactly how you are altering the sizes of the images when adding them to the post so that we can isolate the issue.

  • OK. Here are the steps I ordinarily take when embedding images. Since I often use pairs of images, it’s a bit more complicated than embedding a single image.

    1. Upload image from my files, choosing usually medium or large size, occasionally small if medium is going to be too big. Normally I then select “No alignment,” and “Insert into Post.”

    2. Upload a second image if using two images side-by-side. If I’ve selected no alignment for the first it will move all the way to the left, and the second when uploaded and inserted will usuall go immediately to the right of it. The cursor will be blinking on the bottom right corner and the image lands flush against the first (unless one or the other or the combination are too wide which will cause the second to go down below the first).

    3. If the size is appropriate and they are the same height, and the combined width is under the limit, then all I’ve got to do now is select the align center tab and I’ll be done. But usually I’ve got to do some resizing at this point. I typically drag the corners to do the size modifications. The size parameters are displayed when you begin dragging. While I often use “edit image” > “advanced settings” to check the sizes first, I seldom edit them with this tool, because you’ve got to keep the changes in proportion. The ratio must always be the same or nearly so. By dragging you eliminate the need to apply the same ratio with each size modification (The changes of the parameters are automatically kept in proportion with dragging).

    4. That’s usually everything, but at times it gets more tricky, particularly if other images are nearby, or something such as an ordered list or a block quote is in the vicinity.

  • The choice of “no alignment” adds a border. That’s why I choose that option most of the time. I like the borders on the theme I’m using.

  • I just remembered that a couple of weeks ago I found one day that I’d somehow deleted most of the content of this page without knowing it. It might have been left that way for a week. I restored the full page with a recent revision. But that oughtn’t be a problem.

  • Ok, dragging the corners has the same effect as using the percentage resizer, so I think that may be causing the problem.

    Just to be sure, would you mind trying with the present options (small, medium, large) to see if that makes a difference?

  • Dragging the corners is not good? I’ve been using the entire size range for two years without a problem until these recent instances. I’ve modified tens of thousands of images this way on dozens of sites.

  • It may be the problem in this case, but I’d like to try the preset options so we can be sure and therefore take care of the problem.

  • Alright. But I’m not sure what you mean. Are you referring to the options available as thumbnail, medium, large, and full size? To use only these preset options? And do you mean to use only these preset options in all cases from this time on?

  • This would make pairing images (side-by-side) impossible because these settings vary tremendously from image to image. Also, setting an image into text would often be a problem if I no longer have the freedom to choose any appropriate size.

  • I think I’ve also dragged the corners to adjust the sizes of multiple aligned images in a table.

  • Yes, I mean the “thumbnail, medium, large, and full size” choices.

    I’d like you to just try them now so that we can narrow down the problem and hopefully fix it.

    If those work, that puts us one step closer to identifying the issue.

  • They do work. I’m not even aware of an alternative to using those present choices. I use them always as the first step as I’ve described above. Only then do I modify them.

  • The issue is size-full being inserted into the class fields for the image when using the other re-size methods.

    This was a bug in the past which we resolved. After skimming through all of the code here related to images and post writing/editing, we found absolutely nothing that inserts size-full today. In fact, all we did find were a few checks to remove size-full, just in case it ever did come back, so it’s pretty much impossible that size-full would still be inserted, unless you were copying code from an old post affected by the bug.

    Three of us attempted to reproduce this exactly as you described, with the Koi theme, using Firefox, and were unable to reproduce the problem.

    Are you copying the HTML code for the images from elsewhere or previous post?

  • Thanks,

    As I mentioned a few messages back, I did have to use old material recently to repair this page. I had accidentally deleted nearly the entire content and replaced it by using an old revision. But I only had to go back a week or ten days I think.

    Regarding copying from an old post to this page. I don’t immediately recall doing so recently, but but it’s possible because a portion of it is also in a separate feature. That might have been it.

    Since I began this thread I have published over forty new pages: 1 on 30 November, 12 in December, and 30 in January. Posts are usually copies of pages on this site, so I won’t count those. None of the 43 new pages has developed this issue as far as I know. And I’ve yet to see another instance of it since early December.

  • Note that I copy content from one blog (of mine) to another from time to time as well.

  • I ran the fixer again just to make sure we caught everything up to this point.

    For the next few posts, I recommend just inserting the images in as normal and avoid copying code.

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