Why are edits in the Android app never saved?

  • For the life of me, I can’t figure this out. I make the edits, then hit the ‘Actions’ button and then the ‘Update’ button. I don’t know why this wouldn’t cause the edits to be saved, but apparently it doesn’t, because when I go back to view the post, I see the exact same typos and other errors I just edited. I don’t understand this. I also don’t understand why there isn’t a more straightforward ‘save’ option on the page when one is editing the post.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @wwyork, are you making your changes while online or offline only? Does it make any difference for you?

    On my Android, I’ve just now tried editing my posts while online and while offline. Both save successfully, but I’ve noticed while I’m online, it tries to reach the server right away — I’m wondering if you’re viewing the post again mid upload?

    You might also try posting in the Android forums after all, since someone there may have a similar issue. If we have enough information to duplicate the trouble you’re having, we can likely solve it quickly.

  • I have only tried when I’m online, because I feared what might happen if I tried to hit “update” while offline. I figured I would just lose whatever changes I had made.

    Anyway, I have tried making edits using the several times, both this week and a couple of months ago. None of the edits have ever been saved. The app tells me that the post has been updated, but when I go back and view the post, I find that nothing has changed.

    At first, I assumed that I must be doing something wrong, but at this point, I have to chalk it up to either a software bug or something extremely counterintuitive in the actual software design. I’m not a stupid person, and there is simply no way that something as simple as editing a typo or fixing a broken link should turn into such a frustrating ordeal.

    I will go one step further and say that if there is going to be an “edit” option in the Android app, then there should also be a clearly visible “save” button ***on the “edit” page. It takes some trial and error to even find the “update” button, which is not directly visible on the “edit” page (never mind that the “update” button does not actually update the post). This is not user-friendly design.

  • The update button should save the posts as you expected it to. It sounds like something is either broken in your installation or with your particular flavor of Android. I can’t duplicate the issue here (LG G4).

    Have you tried reinstalling the WordPress app yet?

  • Thanks for your response. I think I uninstalled it a couple of months ago after the first time this happened, but I haven’t done so in recent days.

    Regardless of what might be wrong with my phone or my installation, I would like to reiterate what I said in a previous post, which is that the “edit” process in the app is far too frustrating and involves too much guesswork. There should be a clearly displayed “save” option that is visible ***on the editing page.***

    Unfortunately, there is no way to make suggestions directly to WordPress, because they make it impossible to contact them unless you have a “professional account.”

  • @wwyork The very best place to make an argument for changing “update” to “save” would be in the Android forums, as this app is an open source project.

  • I appreciate your help, but I must say, this whole experience of trying to submit bug reports or communicate with anyone from WordPress is just maddening. I was using the Android app when I first tried to contact someone, and I was directed (within the app) to the forums. So I have no idea why my original post would not have appeared in the Android forum.

    Again, I don’t mean to imply that this is in any way your fault, and I appreciate your help. It just seems that WordPress makes it as difficult as possible for people to report issues. I’m not sure whether that’s by design or not, but it’s alienating in any case.

  • For Staff help with android issues you need to inquire over at http://android.forums.wordpress.org/

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click http://wordpress.org/support/ and register one on the top right-hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and make our developers aware of the issue.

  • Thanks for the feedback, @wwyork, that’s definitely not our intent. We’ll see if we can find out why that’s happening and suggest corrections.

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