Why am I losing text?

  • Why do I sometimes lose text I’ve typed when I save a draft?
    Blog url: http://houseandten.wordpress.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • absurdoldbird · Member ·

    There’s a known bug here.

    However, if it’s not due to the bug, then it might be because you’re not saving early enough. You need to start saving early to make the auto-save kick in. What I do is type an ‘x’ in the post, save, then remove the x and type my post. You’ve also got to save regularly and frequently.

    The best thing to do, is to type your post into an offline text program (for instance, on a windows computer, you could use notepad) and then copy and paste it in. Alternatively, save and publish the post first as Private, then later make it public.

  • Thanks for the info. The autosaves do kick in so maybe it is the bug. I’m trying another browser for awhile to see if that fixes things.

  • Let’s clear this up please. This issue text disappearing from drafts issue only seems to happen when you edit posts that have been created on the WordPress.com home page http://wordpress.com/#!/post/ The autosave does not work there.

    Instead create posts only on your own dashboard here > Dashboard > Posts > All Posts > Add New where the autosave does work

  • To really clear it up, the dashboard is where I’m having the problem. It’s not with the autosave, but when I click Save Draft that it happens sometimes. I’ve never noticed it with the autosave.

  • Years ago I had the same problem using IE, and I found that highlighting all the text before hitting UPdate would somehow force the changes to take effect. I highlighted everything, copied all to the clipboard, then hit Update and that seemed to work. If it didn’t, at least I had an up to date copy on the clipboard I could just paste in.

  • Yeah, that’s what I had been doing unless I forgot. I wonder what causes it that they can’t fix. Seems like a huge hole in something as popular as wordpress.

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