Why am I having trouble importing pictures from Tumblr?

  • I have made 2 blogs to try and get this to work. The first time out of 1700 pictures, 621 pictures imported. I disconnected my tumblr from wordpress and cleared the account info, and tried to import again. Nothing. It said all 1700 pictures were imported but I only had 621 posts of individual pictures on my wordpress blog, meaning none of my pictures were lumped together to have like 5 pictures in one post.

    I deleted this blog and all its contents and tried again with a new blog. No luck.

    I decided to go to my tumblr and delete a bunch of pictures and the 5 texts posts I did have on my tumblr, and got down to 1366 posts and tried importing again. Mind you, I have also disconnected and reconnected and cleared the account info many times when trying to re-import everything.

    Still less than half of my tumblr pictures didn’t import. I have 1366 pictures, no videos or chats etc. Just pictures…

    On the tumblr importer page it says that 1365 of 1366 pictures have been imported and its been “in progress” for an hour now, but when I actually check to see the posts on my wordpress blog, only between 300-400 have actually been posted. However, when I got to my dashboard it says there are over 1700 posts on my blog. It looks like it has somehow imported posts that I have deleted on my actual tumblr page. I cleared the account info and disconnected each time I tried to do a new import so I don’t know why deleted tumblr posts are being imported, and why more than half of my tumblr posts are not being imported.

    I am so confused and frustrated, what is going on?! :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ll flag this for staff attention. Sometimes if a blog is large it needs to be broken into pieces to be imported.

  • Thanks! Do you know how I would be able to do that?

  • Unfortunately nothing has been resolved yet… No one has really helped me out either. I deleted everything again, made a new blog, cleared my browser history, cleared account info on wordpress, etc. I am still trying to import 1366 picture posts, but it has been stuck at “in progress” mode for an entire day with 1365/1366 pictures imported. Only 379 posts have been imported. =/

  • I do see more than 2000 posts on your ‘crazymanabanana’ blog now. Or are you referring to the ‘thisismyblogandilikeit’ blog instead?

  • crazymanabanana does not exist, it hasn’t for a few days now. When I go to my “my blogs” section, there is only one blog. I wonder why you are still seeing the original one. I only have “thisismyblogandilikeit” and there are currently only 379 posts out of a possible 1366.

  • Hi; I just took a look at your import blog.

    Have you run the import more than once at this point? I have cleared out a few things from the last try and would like you to try the import again if you please.


  • Yeah, I have tried to run it a few times after clearing the account info and removing access and re-allowing tumblr access. I’ll try it again now and post back when it finishes.

  • hmm… it’s still stuck at 1365/1366 with only 379 posts on my blog.

  • Hello,

    I just checked on it this morning and it’s up to over 2k posts. Can you please take a look at it and let me know if you see anything that’s out of sorts? If there’s a problem I’m going to have this looked at in more detail for you.

    Thank you!

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