Why am i having trouble blocking a particular blog?

  • I am not exactly a new user here and I have only made this account to make sure that I get notifications to my new official e-mail account instead the old Yahoo one that I have stopped using. Anyways, to cut to the chase, I have been attempting both on this account and on my old one to block Hannibal Lecter’s Evil Twin blog, a place with views I find highly disagreeable however I wish not to report the page due to freedom of speech so I have decided to try and ignore the site instead. However, every time I attempt to block the site on the reader, it shows the site as being blocked for a few seconds then it goes back to the default showing with a red message popping up saying that there was a problem in blocking the site. I have come here in an attempt to answer what that particular problem is and how it can be solved. I really want to block this particular blog due to the disagreements I mentioned above and the stress level I get from coming across it from time to time. I thank the board in advance and wish to receive some form of a answer soon.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Under what tab are you coming across this site in the Reader?

    Have you tried logging out, clearing your browser cache and cookies (which will also log you out of any other site you are logged in on), closing and then reopening your browser?

    Have you tried blocking the site using a different browser to the one you normally use?

    Let me know if one of those suggestions help resolve this issue for you.

  • One more thing, WordPressdotcom works best in up to date browsers.

    Let me know how you are accessing the Reader, whether in the browser or in the WP app.

  • I usually approach the reader through the Internet Explorer browser and Safari on my iPod. I just tried going on Google Chrome and I got the same result I’ve been getting. I also tried clearing my cache and logging out as you suggested and that didn’t work either. Thanks for the suggestions anyway.

  • The only other thing I can think to suggest is if you have browser extensions installed, try disabling them one by one.

    I haven’t seen any other report of this kind recently, but have tagged this thread for Staff assistance.

  • @whatever176 can you send a link to the page where you’re seeing this blog?

  • A screenshot could be helpful too if you’d be willing to get one and upload it to wordpress.com/media :

    Take a Screenshot

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