Why am I getting BLOG POST titles with mixed lettering?

  • Why am I getting BLOG POST titles with mixed lettering? For example, my latest blog post display has some letter upper and lower case (random). This occurs sometimes. I’d like to correct this as it shows on the site and LinkedIn, etc.

  • Hi,

    Can you share a link to a post where you see this happening so we can take a look?


  • Take a look at the section called ‘Recent posts’ as this mixed case lettering for my recent post on My First Research Publication and Teaching Tips for Critical Thinking, as this is how they show up when I share on other platforms:

  • @teacherrogers,

    Hi. I was able to reproduce that effect, but only by reversing the normal cases in the title. This could be done accidentally while entering the title during creation of the post. Since the theme applied to the site, Dynamic News, displays post titles in all upper case lettering on the blog page, archives pages, and single posts, if you’d accidentally typed or entered the letters of the title with reversed cases, then it would be difficult to detect the error on the posts themselves. I suspect that The Recent Posts Widget is revealing the error. So, I’d suggest deleting the title and retyping it with the desired case for each letter. See if that fixes it.

  • Hello there,

    I see what you mean.

    I’ve taken a look at this and it looks like this is what was entered into the title field when the post was created.

    This will require a change to the post title so that it reflects as intended.

    I hope this helps.

  • Yes, thanks to both of you. The theme is the problem because I have to carefully type the title without looking at the all caps it produces. I was able to update the most recent one and will go through them now. I’m an educator and a techie and it was making me look really bad. I appreciate your fast responses!

    Sandra Rogers aka Teacherrogers

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