White Background Hides Page Lists in K2 Theme

  • Hello,

    I’m starting a new blog to maintain the data for one of my projects, however a problem is that the header image needs to have a white background on the K2 theme. This causes a problem because the list of pages that runs across the top can’t be seen because the white text fades into the background.

    Any way i can fix this without having to pay $15 for Custom CSS? I just need the text to be in black so it can be seen by everyone.

  • None that come to mind right off. Only thing that does is to include a dark colored strip along the bottom of your image where the Pages will be. That may not be something that you want to do though.

  • On K2, as you rollover the page names they change to black and white if you have a white background – so, if you do a plain black image of 720×200, put that on the site, take a screenshot of that (with the white text showing), then paste that into, say, photoshop, convert it into a negative and then slightly expand the area of the (now black) text you should get the effect you want. The white text will now appear on a black background that hugs the text – giving a shadow effect that will be perfectly legible. You can then add in the other elements of your header image. If you do not want black, use another colour – just start with its negative.
    Downside – you will need to re-do it each time you want to add a static page.
    A bit cumbersome, but it is the only way I can think of. Otherwise, try a different theme.
    [edit] I just noticed that the active page is already in black. This is should not be a problem as it will still show the active page – just not as obviously as would otherwise be the case.[/edit]

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