Which Safari Extension(s) are hindering me?

  • I’ve had troubles that I’ve narrowed down to being an issue with Safari extensions. When my extensions are on, everything is great. When they’re on, I have troubles like:

    Not being able to add tags when I forget.
    Clicking on the stats page and it’s blank.
    The Likes not loading.
    Adding a picture to a post just blanking out the whole page.

    The extensions I have are:

    AVG Do Not Track
    Traffic Light
    Cookie Stumbler
    FaceBook Disconnect
    Google Disconnect
    UTM Stripper

    Yes, I hate being tracked by no-good companies trying to gather my information for their gain without compensating me but profiting from it themselves.

    One, or several, of these are hindering me. Do you know which one(s)? Do you know the exact domain name or URL I would need to copy and paste into the Exceptions for that/those extensions?

    Any help would be mighty appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Either folks are stumped for a solution, my problem isn’t allowed, or I broke the forum. None of these are good things.

  • Or it’s Friday evening and very few of the volunteers and staff use Safari. The average response time in an internet forum at the best of times is 14+ hours, so either wait it out till someone has a solution, search the forums for the Safari tag to see if there’s a fix, or Google it.

  • I wasn’t being rude. Just making a joke while waiting. No offense intended. I did try searching on my own but there’s only so much of this your brain can absorb when you’re 75 years old and trying something new. I thought it would be natural to wonder since, when I came in, there were quite a few questions that had no responses yet and mine was still the only one without a response after an hour. Only natural to wonder.

    If no one can help then no one can help. Sorry to have troubled anyone.

  • What I actually said was, nobody can help in your timeline, be patient.

  • As much as it does not feel natural, letting your question sit without bumping is the best way to get help. Many people will work the questions that have no responses. Also experienced helpers will let a question sit rather than post a useless answer.

    Wait at least 24 hours before feeling neglected. So far you have not irritated anyone that I have seen, so your threads will only sit if we have no answers, not because you are a jerk (PS age has nothing to do with things here)

    Also some helpers here are real good with searching and they will take some extra time with a search to try and find some help for an oddball question.

    If all else fails, try disabling the add-ins for your browser one at a time and see if that helps.

  • You have a lot of anti-tracking extensions, which don’t stack well, often causing further problems.

    Properly configured (as in selecting exactly what you want to block in Ghostery’s options), Ghostery can actually replace AVG Do Not Track, DoNotTrackMe, Facebook Disconnect, Google Disconnect, and AdBlock.

    In a Ghostery’s settings, just unblock anything that says WordPress.com or Gravatar. You can get the exact names from the Ghostery menu when the page is done loading, but stacking further blocking extensions as you have done could further complicate this by blocking things before Ghostery even knows they exist. Another reason to only use Ghostery. ;)

    If you need exact domains for any reason, just whitelist wordpress.com, wp.com, automattic.com, and gravatar.com.

    Note, I’m WordPress.com staff as well as a Safari and Ghostery user.

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