Which package for accepting payments?

  • Hi, I need to know if I should choose the ‘business’ or the ‘e-commerce’ package. I’m setting up a cleaning company and need to accept payments online. Does it matter which package I choose or is one more limited than the other for payments? I’ve noticed that ‘business’ only mentions PayPal and ‘e-commerce’ mentions some other payment processors such as ‘Stripe’. I will be using a plugin called ‘Zenmaid’ for my bookings. Will I only be able to accept payments with PayPal if I choose ‘business’ or will I infact be able to use other payment processors anyway since I am using a separate plugin for my bookings?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi ubercleanz,

    If you use a plugin, it doesn’t matter whether you have a business plan or eCommerce plan because the plugin handles the payments.

    So, business plan it is.

  • Thank you Ravichahar thats a huge help!

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