Where did the Edit link go?

  • The Edit link on for of the blog entry seem to have disappeared.

    At least I am sure there is one for the Almost Spring theme but now it is gone.
    The link is very useful for making a quick edit on the post.

    Can we have them back?

  • I see it on mine when I use that theme.

    Try doing a complete refresh (Crtl-F5) and make sure that you’re logged in.

  • I sure am logged in and hit the refresh a couple of time for good effect.

    It is something I do very often.

    • publish a post
    • notice mistake
    • click Edit

    This time the Edit is not there.

  • Heh heh heh.

    Guess what folks? It’s not there for me now. :)

    Swore it was there when I looked beforehand.


    I do note that the link is there though (at least when I use the White as Milk theme on my blog) when I actually click through to the post, right after the category listings.

    Sending in a feedback.

    Sorry about that. It was there for me earlier.

    edit: Must have been those blogger goblins sneaking in to mess stuff up. :)

  • Well, it’s BACK! Thanks blogger goblins! :)

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