Where can I find the Publish button? It’s not in the upper right-hand corner.

  • When looking at the About page here I can see that the page is already published. This is why you won’t see a publish button again. Instead, any changes you make can be turned live by clicking on the update option. Think of it like updating an existing piece.

    I can see you’re looking at this now too. If you see another person on that edit screen it’s just me making sure there’s nothing else going on.

    I’m still not seeing any screen shots added to the media library. Try going here: https://jazzverbatim.wordpress.com/wp-admin/upload.php at the top of that page on the left, you’ll see a gray box that is labeled, “add new”. Click on that and try to upload the screen shots there.

    I think we will be able to crack this case once we can see what you’re experiencing.

  • Screen Shots added to the media library. 

  • Updated but the one photo in About and Edit Page is still out of alignment.

  • I’m unaware of any benefits that Jetpack may be relevant to me. Do you suggest I still use it?

  • I’ll be happy to simply have that one photo of me in alignment.

  • It looks good on Edit Page.

  • Unless Jetpack will help solve my immediate problem, I’ll pass for now. Thanks for the option.

  • Looks good in Edit Page but still can’t Publish.

  • Hi there,

    One thing I showed in my video that you may have missed is that the first image on the About page is using different settings from the other 3 images below it. this is what is causing the view on the published page to be different from what you see in the editor.

    To rectify this, you can click on the first image so that the toolbar for the block shows. then change it as follows:

    The other images have their alignment set to “none” and this is what keeps them from colliding with each other. It’s only the first image in the control room that has the alignment set to “Align left”

    If you set to it “none” as well, it will solve the issue and the view on the live page will be the same as what you see in the editor view.

    Also once you make this change to the image block settings, you should be able to click the “Update” button to save this change.

    Hope that helps!

  • It worked! It worked! Thank you sooo much! You’ve made my day!

    Please know that you’ve made at least one person happy!

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