where are the free media for posts?

  • What happened to the free images from Getty and others that used to show up when one was writing a post? How come I seem to no longer have that option?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. It sounds like you’re talking of the Zemanta plugin. That hasn’t been a part of WordPress.com for quite some time now, though the browser plugin works in both the new and classic editors (I just checked it now).

    If you have been using the browser plugin, did you perhaps reset your browser recently, thereby removing the plugin? Also check that the plugin is up to date.

    If you don’t have the plugin, you can find it for Firefox, Chrome and Safari here: http://www.zemanta.com/download/

  • OK, this is a little bit weird. Today is my first time logging in for months and I want to resume my blog. I had exactly the same question regarding Zemanta.

    The thing is, without being asked, WordPress has moved me to the new style of editor. I’ve installed the Zemanta for Bloggers extension for FireFox but it doesn’t seem to work for the new editor. How can I go back to the classic editor?

  • @jimjamz82
    As I said above, the Zemanta integration with WordPress.com was removed over a year ago, but the browser plugin should work with both editors. It does for me at least, and I also use Firefox. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies and see if that helps.

    The new editor is unfortunately now the default editor and there’s no way inside WordPress.com to set the classic editor as your default. However, there are several workarounds for getting to the classic editor. You can find all of them here: http://git.io/wpcom-restore-classic-ed

    If you use the Greasemonkey user script option, your browser will automatically redirect to the classic editor every time the new one tries to load. That’s as close as you’re going to get to making the classic editor your default.

  • OK, so I got the firefox extension to work but the only part that I need (recommended links, not images or posts) doesn’t work!

    Has anyone had any success getting the recommended links section to work using the zemanta firefox extension?

  • That is unfortunately not something we can help you with here as that extension is not maintained nor supported by WordPress.com

    You have to contact Zemanta support directly for that. I’ve contacted them in the past when a change on WordPress.com caused the extension to stop working correctly, and they’re very quick at fixing things. Email them at support @ zemanta.com (remove the spaces – I just inserted them as we can’t post email addresses in the forum).

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