where are my widgets!!!!

  • I have the K2 theme, i was doing some modifications adding widgetes in my sidebar… i saved all changes… and then… i lost 4 very important widgets!!!!

    Please Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Same thing just happened to me. 80(

    I’m using the Digg 3 Column theme. Made a change, saved, and everything vanished in both sidebars except for one widget on each side, the one that had been at the bottom. The others (six on the left, two or three on the right) have vanished.

    <b>Extremely</b> annoying as the lost widgets are links to my other blog, banners of my favourite free webzines, etc. I have built them up over months. And just spent an hour building a new html widget that is now gone.

    If this is a WP problem, i hope it’s reversible and the data isn’t gone for good. I want my widgets back please!

    Btw quienespacifico, you seem to have about nine widgets in your sidebar – have you been replacing them by hand, or is your problem solved?

  • Me too! I was just working on a post, saved it and went to look at my blog and then my sidebar was all different and my widgets were missing. My blog links were there, but none of my other ones incl my flickr which I had just updated.
    What is happening or is it coincidence we all did something wrong? LOL

  • quienespacifico
    I also see lots of widgets on your sidebar.
    You seeme to have a full contingent of widgets, including your links widget. Try logging out, clearing cache and cookies, then restart browser.
    please provide a link to your blog, starting with http://

  • Yes, they’re all back this morning. I didn’t have time to try a reboot yesterday, but after booting up today they’re all there.

    Relieved – but this is scary. I’m off now to copy all my html etc into a backup text file, in case it happens again. Which is a nuisance.

    This has brought my opinion of WordPress down to 99/100!

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