When logged out I don’t see the “next page” link

  • I’ve searched the forum, but can’t find an answer. When I’m logged in, with “Show at most X posts,” then at the bottom after that number of posts there’s a “next page” link. It’s easy to browse backward through all posts.

    But when I’m logged out and visit the blog, there’s only the defined number of posts and no “next page” link. I have the Category and Archive widget, so it’s possible to go backward, but how come viewers not logged in can’t see this “next page” link? I’m using the Rubric theme—does that matter?

    Thanks for any help on this…

  • Can we get a direct link to the blog, starting with http? We need to see it to answer that.

  • If this is you, http://newindividualism.wordpress.com/ that’s what I’m seeing too.

    After I logged out, the “Next Page” link leading to previous posts entirely disappears from the bottom of the page.

  • Yes, the direct link is http://newindividualism.wordpress.com/
    (Sorry, don’t know how to do the direct link as a link).

    I just checked a friend of mine’s blog, not logged in at all, and there’s an “Older Posts” link at the bottom. I’m guessing it’s part of the theme itself. (sigh)

  • Okay, for no particular reason I was checking the blog and by gosh, now there’s a Next Page and I’m not logged in. I believe this is a supernatural event on the order of Satan incarnate roaming the Earth! :-) Thanks for the validation, JustJennifer…the problem (if it is a problem) seems either fixed, or a random event.

  • That particular link (Next page, Older Posts, Previous Posts, etc.) seems to be problematic. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it vanishes even for logged in visitors.

    The only suggestion I’ve heard here in the forums is to try changing the default number of Posts that appear per page. That’s seems to give it a kick in the seat of its pants which is a euphemism for something else. :-)

  • Have you tried deleting your cookies & cache pluse shutting down your bowser
    afterwords and restarting it.

    because you could be viewing a cached version of your blog
    which could be causing the problematic problems for you.

    also this would helpful for you with aiding the volunteers
    for future support requests
    How to link your name to your blog


  • teck-I thought so too and that was the first thing I did after logging out, clearing my cache and cookies. The link at the bottom of that front page just wasn’t there. Either that or I need/needed more coffee!

  • I would contact staff then It could be a
    glitch that staff only can fix.

  • I found another suggestion in the forums a while back: edit the last post on the page and re-save it. Then the navigation comes back. Works for me every time.

  • Okay, I’ve been having the same problem. I’ve read what you guys have suggested but I’m still confused. When the “next page” thing disappears, is that only for me or for everyone else? My other question is: after I did what you said, editing the last post and re-saving it . . . will this happen again? Will I keep having to re-save the last post.

    Here is my website: http://lethebashar.wordpress.com

    Thank you for your help everyone

  • I don’t know if it is for you only, or what. It seems to be entirely random and predicting when it is going to disappear and how often is impossible. I’ve been seeing it off and on for months.

  • This is a caching bug that pops up from time to time. We’re working on some database code changes that will prevent it, but it probably will be awhile before those changes get into the production code. Saving your latest post again should make the links return.

  • Thanks for all the information, guys. It really helps to know a little about the problem. But one more question.

    Can you tell me this:

    If I look on my site and the next page button is gone, can I trust that it will reappear again?

    Meaning, once it’s gone is it gone for good? Or will the system change itself and it will reappear without my doing?


  • Once the server cache clears out, it should return. One way to force that to happen is with some of the examples mentioned in this topic.

  • Yikes, didn’t realize this was happening to a lot of others. Thanks again, everyone, for all the info. I definitely cleared cache and cookies, cleaned a bunch of stuff, so that wasn’t it. However, I was learning how to schedule a post for the future, and did exactly the above, did a short edit and resaved an existing post. That’s perhaps why “suddenly” the next-page link showed up. Seems to be working at the moment, and it’s good to know that it’s under scrutinization by the Key meisters. :-D

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