When I reply to a post or a comment, the recepients aren't notified. Why?

  • For a while now, I have been experiencing trouble concerning notifications. When I comment or reply to a post or a comment, the recipient does not get notified in his/her bell. Could someone help me with this?
    The problems I am experiencing are nearly identical (if not exactly the same) to those mentioned in this topic:
    Here is the blog I would like help with:
    I would greatly appreciate any help I can receive.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @sonofyhwh, I’m guessing it’s more about their settings than your account, but just to confirm, could you send links to a few affected posts where you’ve tried to comment?

  • Thank-you for taking the time to look into this.
    I am by no means an expert concerning the ins-and-outs of WordPress; however, I would think that the problem actually would not be their settings as I have found this problem has arisen on many blogs.
    In any case, here are a couple of links:

    Guest Post Pt. 2: Kinsman Redeemer

    I was privately informed by this blogger that he was not receiving my bell notifications:

    My Favorite Part of the Year | Week 25 English

    Here the problem is actually on my own blog:

    My Workout Routine | Hold Me Accountable

    I don’t know if it will help you deduce the problem, but I have also been experiencing issues with not being able to follow blogs I search on my Reader, neither am I able to follow blogs with certain follow flags. I think follow buttons tend to work.
    People do get notified when I like comments, though.

  • My apologies, I mistakenly posted a reply to the topic instead of to you.
    The desired information has been given in the other comment.
    Thank-you for your time.

  • Individual WordPress.com users control if and how they receive notifications. This is not dependent on the site someone comments on, and there is nothing you or we can do on your site to ensure they receive notifications.

    If a visitor on your site is not receiving notifications when you reply to their comments, the problem is with either their settings or with their browser, and they need to open their own support request so we can troubleshoot the issue with them directly.

  • Thank-you for explaining this to me!
    Where does one change the settings (on the browser) that you referred to?

  • They can change their notification settings here:

    If you’d like to test comment on one of our blogs to see if we get notified, just drop a hello here, and then update us and I’ll check on it.

    Regarding issues with following, shall we work on that after testing this? If you’re willing, it’d be good to open a new thread with a summary in the subject line — that way if others are having that issue, they’ll find it.

  • Thank-you so much!
    I “dropped a hello” here:

    Good morning Pun

  • Thanks! I can confirm I did not get a “bell” notification or a push notification on my phone.

    I’ve approved the comment and thrown it away. My colleague spotted something on your account that I’d missed earlier, and you verified your email recently.

    Can you go ahead and try again? And then please update us here again.

  • Okay, great!
    I left another comment here:

    Good morning Pun

  • Thank you. I didn’t get that one either, alas! But we’ll do more digging and have you try again once we’ve got a lead.

  • Okay, thank you. How do you plan to go forward?
    Also, what will you be looking for and how can I help?

  • Hi there,

    I’ve noticed that you had a suspended site on your account at one time (sonofyhwhbiblequestionsanddiscussion.wordpress.com) and we suspect that this is what is causing issues with your commenting activity.

    I have removed all traces of that suspension from your account, and I am hopeful that if you try to comment again, notifications will work as expected. Can you try to leave a comment here and we will confirm if we get a notification or not.

    Good morning Pun

    Thanks for your patience!

  • Thank-you so much!
    I left comment testing comment #3:

    Good morning Pun

    Thank-you for your help!

  • Hey! I got that one. I’ll approve it for you, then delete it.

  • Thank-you so much for taking a look! “supernovia” says that she received notification. I am checking with another person before I mark it as resolved.
    I had forgotten about that suspension, but I remember it now. Why did it get suspended?

  • Hi again,

    We have automated spam site filtering on WordPress.com to make sure that people are not setting up “spam sites” on our service. But like any filtering system, it’s not perfect (we’re constantly tweaking and tuning it on our end) and sometimes a good blog can get marked as “spam” by mistake.

    That is the case with sonofyhwhbiblequestionsanddiscussion.wordpress.com, a site on your account that you do not seem to use. From what I could see the site was set up with just a demo content and other than that you made minimal changes, so I am not sure why it was flagged in our system as a potential “spam site.”

    Do you want to revive and use sonofyhwhbiblequestionsanddiscussion.wordpress.com going forward? I have removed it from your account but can restore it if you wish to use it again. Let us know how you would like to proceed or if you have any questions.

  • No, you don’t have to restore that blog…I was just curious. :)
    I really appreciate the help.

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