What's your favourite theme?

  • I’m having trouble picking a theme so I thought I’d turn to the internet for help. What’s your favourite theme for a blog that has both written and visual content?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Eman. :)

    In terms of my personal favourite, I would currently go with Rosalie. It’s perfect for bloggers who want to showcase both their content and photography.

    Sela (which I see you currently have active) is a very popular free theme that I like a lot too.

    Some extra free themes that I think are worth highlighting based on your requirements are Dyad, Gateway, and Intergalactic.

    If you let me know some more specifics about the site you’re trying to set up (what kind of visual content are you going to add? what’s the topic? etc.) then I’d be happy to offer some more suggestions.

    You can also use the filters at the very top of our repository to narrow choices down:



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