What's up with my views?

  • @mjean09

    Like I JUST said, maybe for people like you its completely harmless, but you won’t see Google Analytics making people lose time with this kind of stuff trying to find out if it’s a digg effect or anything else or why adsense income did not came up too.

    So yes, it’s very funny if you have a hello kitty related blog that is seen only by you and your friends.

  • Wow. Usually I can see the humor in just about anything, but even at the end of the day, this still kind of sucks. I think the best jokes are ones that (eventually) all parties think are funny. Not the kind where one party with all the control and the technical skills says “Good morning, you are popular and people love your blog – oh, haha, just kidding, you are still invisible” and the other party says, “Oh. Ouch. Glad you had fun with that.”

    Kudos to those with thicker skins than me, I guess.

  • It was freaking hilarious…lighten up folks…it’s all in good fun!!

  • Oh, well … I still don’t think it’s funny, but at least I have a new idea for a blog post. I think it’s fascinating that responses to targeted humor (i.e., where someone plays a joke on another person, who may or may not think it’s funny) have quite a bit to do with the inherent psychological and emotional makeup of the recipient of the prank. For some reason, our society not only favors those who are less sensitive about humor that has the potential to hurt others, but encourages them to then criticize more sensitive people for not being tougher. “Grow up! Toughen up! Get a life!”

    How interesting these conversations would be if the more sensitive people (who frequently by definition don’t stand up for themselves very well) started ganging up on the less sensitive people, haranguing them for their lack of sensitivity and compassion. I don’t really see it happening, any more than the picked-on children of the playgrounds will suddenly stand up against the mean girls and bullies of the world, but it’s an interesting thought.

    And the whole idea is to have more to write about anyway, right? ;)

  • It’s a April Fools Day joke. My views for the day were multiplied by 10 of the actual number.

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