What's to be said I wonder…..

  • Oh boy…..I went ahead and got ready to post a couple of videos again today.
    Today – the block editor was very unstable, so much so that I had to do things over and over again. Well – never mind that.
    What I’m really wondering about is how to figure out what is what and what is where when I try to get things right.
    I simply and absolutely have no clue what so ever when staying on the edit page.
    Paragraph blocks show no paragraphs, short code blocks are here and there.
    This can’t be right, can it?
    I’ve posted a little snip of how the edit page appears in front of my eyes here:

    (I will take that page down in a day or two)

    I’m using Firefox. Always have. Nothing else is the matter with the browser.
    No cache problems.
    Connection is good (in fact new fiber as of november).
    Are the blocks not on good terms with Firefox – or are you on your end at WP.com having issues today?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks for this, petitpoisvideos. Do you mind leaving the video up for a bit so we can investigate? I’ll be trying to duplicate what you’re seeing.

    Also once you did things over again, did it all work? I’m wondering how we can duplicate this.

  • Hi!
    I’ll leave it up as long as you need then.
    There were problems placing blocks.
    As you see, I start with column 2 blocks. ( I actually initially wanted 3 column for my site, but videos got way too small that way.)
    Today, I started with text block (left side). I had trouble with that one from the start, because every new line wanted to start a new block.
    I had to go back and forth trying just type – and paragraph block.
    Once text was in ( as you see from my snippet – I can’t see which block has text from before/earlier) – I didn’t have column 2 – for the short code – anymore. Now only 1 big block for the text. Start again.
    Later; managed to get the short code block placed – but how to get it aligned with paragraph block? There’s really no way (for me) to figure that out intuitive / logically while staying on the edit page.
    What I did today was doing a sort of combination with “enter” / “delete” + spacer. While doing this to get the positions fairly right, text within paragraph block kept changing font size and some placement within the block.

    So no, supernovia, I would not say it all worked.
    I don’t think I’m doing things very wrong. It just didn’t go well – the edit page is way out of touch with the publish page. Very confusing……..

  • The detailed feedback is really helpful, along with the video. Let’s start with this just so I can be sure I fully understand what you were doing and what you expected:

    Today, I started with text block (left side). I had trouble with that one from the start, because every new line wanted to start a new block.
    I had to go back and forth trying just type – and paragraph block.

    Normally if you just start typing, you will get paragraph blocks each time you hit enter (unless you hold down shift, paste a URL, or start typing with a / on the new line). Can you clarify what you wanted instead of new paragraphs?

  • Yes, both tried “just typing” and pragraph block.
    I know about hitting enter, did that.

    Can you clarify what you wanted instead of new paragraphs?

    Just more text / writing my text belonging to the video.

    What I would expect from this editor:
    – choosing columns, if you do 2 or 3, the frame, so to speak, should be set – and not expand, disappear or change other than vertical – depending what you write there or place other stuff.

    – when text is applied on the editor page, I would expect it to be there / be visual the next time I am editing that page
    ( I do wonder if images go visible away in the same manner, haven’t tried)

    – It should be possible to align blocks / align content of the blocks

    Side note; It’s night time with me right now and tomorrow morning is quite busy.
    I will not be able to post until tomorrow afternoon – 13-14 hours :)

  • Same! But my teammates can pick up even though I won’t be back for a bit, so we’ll be here when you’re ready. Also perhaps one of them will understand differently, too.

    Thanks for the feedback so far. When you do have time, let me know what you expected instead of paragraph blocks, or were paragraph blocks not showing? I’m seeing empty blocks but not the text you typed — was there text in there?

    We just want to be sure our developers get some feedback, because the video you sent does indeed look perplexing.

  • Back again :)

    I have no theme. I start with blank page.
    I will mainly use 2 columns.
    This is what I expect the blocks to be able to do:

    1) When choosing 2 columns, (50/50) the framing of the column(s) should be fixed – as in not move. I should be able to write in 1 of the columns freely –
    as in not having to constantly watch the space and hold shift/enter for new line of text.

    ( This I think is essential)

    This goes on:
    If I don’t watch the column space all the time when writing,
    strange things occur.
    – column changes to 1 (100%)
    – text disappear – or – the whole block
    ( either “just write” or paragraph block) disappear
    – font size changes
    after saving and previewing, (if I manage to get the text stabilized),
    there’s no text at all on the edit page when I go back

    (BUT on view page/publish page)

    If I’m lucky having the text in place, I go on to add a short code block
    IF it will place itself within the column, column nr 2 – IF the column is still there.

    2) Then comes the trouble with aligning.
    It should have been an easy task, but truth be told far from it.
    On the edit page – things start to jump around / up and down.
    I have a feeling I can “force” aligning with the help of enter / delete / spacer.
    I have to be very careful – things might disappear in a blink.
    I can not see any sence or logic to it. I just have to keep at it until I can see on
    previewing it’s falling in to some sort of order.
    The edit page now looks like a chicken coop after a blizzard and chicks
    scattered all over the place.

    What is causing all this? Because it can’t be like this to edit pages / a page.
    Can it possibly have something to do with page width???
    (I could change that if you provide a css snippet)

    Or – is it something else?
    Does WP.com rely on all using a theme, and blank page isen’t quite there yet?

    See this in action: https://petitpoisvideos.com/2148-2/

  • Hi @petitpoisvideos – We’re digesting all of this; thanks so much for sharing the details with us.

    I want to focus on one item for a moment. The text that appears within the 2-column example; did you manually type that all of that text? Or, by chance, did you copy the text from elsewhere and paste it into a paragraph block, and then try to edit it to your liking?

    Asking because sometimes very strange things, exactly like you are experiencing, happen when copying and pasting text into the editor this way.

  • Hello

    A good question.
    I wrote/write in the text. In a page I did long ago (“About”) I learned that copy/paste is not a good route to go. (Would have been nice, though )
    Copy/paste with mouse did not work at all, and CtrlA/CtrlV struggled. Since then I write directly on the page – but I’ve had to watch the lines as described.
    But of course, English not being my native language, I do sometimes have to go in and correct a letter or a sentence structure.
    But that should not cause an issue / the issues….?

  • A side note / digression;
    After writing the above post and hit “submit” my post “disappeared”
    from “Reply To”
    Wise from experiences, I opened a new tab, went to the support forum,
    there was the thread – and behold…..there was my post starting with “Hello” :)

  • For reference I have added an image of the About edit page to


  • I keep thinking about these issues.
    Is it possible the page width should be set wider to have the column 50/50 to work better –
    could it be one should not use columns at all, but just insert blocks?
    Would the alignment be more possible with that choice of route?

    – is it a problem that you can’t adjust short code block vertically and so paragraph block / short code block do not go well together?

    BUT HEY! This morning checking the edit page of
    the text is visible and is displayed in the right place of the page.
    Has someone been in there to set it right – or did it just happen?

    Alignment is still an issue to solve, the missing option to align content of the blocks. My experience is that text is glued to the top of block/just write – and short code block places content in the center of the block.
    Not having the option to adjust height of the short code block then leaves only the option to try and move text so it can align with the content of the short code block (in this case a video).
    ( It makes no sense, neither design wise nor logically, to have video + the text belonging to it display on different levels.)

    Hoping for advise / input.

  • BUT HEY! This morning checking the edit page of
    the text is visible and is displayed in the right place of the page.
    Has someone been in there to set it right – or did it just happen?

    I was out yesterday & am still getting caught up, but I doubt anyone changed things just yet! Had you closed the page out and re-opened it for the first time since this started? You had mentioned no cache problems, but I’m wondering if your cache did refresh in the meantime.

    Alignment is still an issue to solve, the missing option to align content of the blocks. My experience is that text is glued to the top of block/just write – and short code block places content in the center of the block.

    Try this: use the navigation tool to find the Column block:

    Then you should see a vertical alignment option:

  • Hello again

    I know the change in the column block,

    Alignment is still an issue to solve, the missing option to align content of the blocks. My experience is that text is glued to the top of block/just write – and short code block places content in the center of the block.
    Not having the option to adjust height of the short code block then leaves only the option to try and move text so it can align with the content of the short code block (in this case a video).
    ( It makes no sense, neither design wise nor logically, to have video + the text belonging to it display on different levels.)

    There are align options in several blocks, not in short code block.
    The reason I use short code is that I can decide height + width of the video displayed on the page. That’s really a key point of a video site.

    I still wonder if I should not use columns but only blocks. Maybe that will make it less confusing on the edit page.

    As for cache, I closed and reopened site several times during my attempt to edit,
    over a period of 1-2 hours.
    The change took place from late last night till this morning.

    (If someone could look into the short code block and see if it’s possible to write something in for adjusting size vertically, I’d be happy!)

  • The reason I use short code is that I can decide height + width of the video displayed on the page.

    Interesting, I’ll pass this along and see if that can be added to normal embed blocks.

    I still wonder if I should not use columns but only blocks. Maybe that will make it less confusing on the edit page.

    I definitely recommend at least trying that. :)

  • Hello macmanx!

    I was just in my site trying out some things.
    No – just working with blocks did not go so well. Could not get blocks aligned correctly.
    I tried out 30/70 column – that one can be useful some times I think.
    (Now, first text block was ok to display “align text top/middle …….”
    The next text blocks didn’t display that option for me. Don’t know why.)

    I also tried out custom html block. Maybe that could work?
    Yes – iframe worked as it should on edit page – not on preview/publish.
    Vimeo block I can use within the column, but you have the same thing with that block as the short code; can’t shrink the block size – which then will give you the large (empty) space to and bottom of the video.
    I realize I have added a frame to the block. I wanted that, because it is lifting the videos slightly up from the page.
    (Remember – I do video, and constantly work with how to display images :))

    I also come from classic editor / elementor where I could do all sorts of things quite easy, but not stomach all the attacks and vulnerabilities of plugins at WP.org. I’m happy to be here at .com – I just have to figure out how the blocks can work in a stable and useful way on my site.

    How to set page width on a single page?

  • Hi!

    The next text blocks didn’t display that option for me.

    You’ll want to be sure you’re selecting the column block, rather than the text block. Can you double check? Here’s how I do it:

  • Hi

    I’ll try that!


  • You nailed the main problem here supernovia!
    See https://petitpoisvideos.com/2206-2/

    Before doing this I emptied cache again.

    Now all that remains is for developers – when they might have the time –
    to figure out how they can add the option to set px size of Vimeo block and short code block
    direct me to how to set page width for 1 page (at a time).
    (Then I’ll take the pages down)

    Thanks for hanging in there with me!

  • Woohoo! I’m glad that was it.

    Now for setting the px size of the vimeo block — do you mean the dimensions of the video itself? I want to say that will work with a shortcode, but the shortcode will display as a shortcode in the editor, rather than popping up the video preview. I haven’t been embedding videos very often as shortcodes, so is that something that’s changed for you?

    And for the page width, as long as your theme supports it (and your current one does!) you can actually set the width for one section of columns at a time, even. It looks like this. (I usually pin my block toolbar at the top as a preference, but here it is close to the block so it’s easier to see)

    You should have an option to change the alignment of the columns to wide or full width, or undo that selected option to go back to normal width. Want to give that a shot? This is one of those features that we couldn’t do without blocks, and more are coming, but I like this one a lot.

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