what’s the worst theme in your opinion?

  • haha, would anyone tell me then what’s the worst theme available in wp.com? maybe if thr’s a lot of ppl complaining abt one particular theme we could convince the wp team to give it the boot from theme selection. =P

    i’ll tell you mine once i have a look at all the themes again.

  • Supposedly Clean

    Well, I guess it’s ok… I just don’t like how list items are so close to the left, it’s lack of widgets and image border customization.

  • BOO! to themes that lack widgets like Supposedly Clean (otherwise it seems okay)

    Hemmingway has only some widgets but not enough for me. Too bad because otherwise I might use it.

  • I don’t realy like any of them, default is the best but needs custom header option.

  • patriotsfan – I do feel for you but you’re also cracking me up. Have you been keeping score of how many times you have said the same thing on the forum? The phrase broken record does come s to mind but don’t be offended as this is being said is good humor, okay?

  • lol not just me : ) my brother writes for the blog to an he said it a few times. Such as the last post in the forum Default header ( I think was the name) haha sorry about that.

  • i can’t stand those themes that scream girly to the point of extreme annoyance, in my opinion, like sweet blossoms, girl in green and flower power. i’m not against feminine themes, but i’d rather if they were done in a more tasteful, subtle manner than sprinkling sugar-and-spice-and-all-things-nice-what-girls-are-made-of kind of things. the only one that’s feminine and nice is toni.

  • If it doesn’t have a site search. Seriously, I first noticed WordPress because they had a built in site search. The problems I had at Blogger because of the search.

  • I am sick sick sick of the default. Which is a shame, because when it was new it was quite a nice theme, but now it has been done comprehensively to death.

    I don’t like Supposedly Clean and it’s a complete mystery to me why it even exists, let alone being one of Matt’s Chosen Few over here. I could wander over to the theme viewer and pick out twenty that were more aesthetically pleasing and with better functionality right off the bat.

  • It bothers me that Girl in Green doesn’t do widgets. We fixed this quite some time ago over in the MU forums. :)

  • Sweet Blossoms. EWWWW! Just personal taste. Flowers AND hearts AND butterflies?!? AND pink? Like a bowl of clichés to go. Memories of running through wall-to-wall pink nausea of the Barbie aisle to safe mechanical Zen of the Transformers shelf beyond.

  • The width of Sweet Blossoms bothers me as well.

  • I used Sweet Blossoms, briefly. (I had been nagging for a pink theme ever since I arrived so I thought I owed it to Matt.) Then I discovered that titles longer than one line overlapped themselves. Like this. I sent a feedback but I never heard anything about it being fixed.

    Toni is bugged as well, but that’s a well-known issue with styles based on the Classic theme. Most of the others I’ve tried have been quite robust (though use of CAPS in the text widget on Silver is the New Black is very annoying indeed)

  • The worst theme is Almost Spring 1.1. The best is Emire 1.0 by Phu Ly, after is Andreas09 1.5 then Hemingway 0.1 ALPHA.

    Dont belive? Check out my blog: http://bmw7.wordpress.com

  • drmike: why should the width of sweet blossoms bother you? don’t tell me you would use it if it weren’t for the width?!

    wank: are you a girl? why do you want a pink theme? i’m a girl and i sure don’t like pink *sniffs*

  • I like pink. This may have something to do with my being a girl, but never having been a boy it’s difficult to say for sure.

  • wank: goodness, i’d nvr guess you’re a girl with your username like that…

  • haha, i’m sure glad i’m not the only one who visualized ‘wank’ as a masculine handle.

    certainly some boys like pink.

  • P.S. – i think the worst theme is actually connections. not as it was originally invented, but as it’s been brutalized here with widgets. and all manner of poorly chosen header images.

    square block, round hole indeed.

    and any of Phu Ly’s themes where wide images slide under the sidebar and stick out the other side. overflow: hidden; come on.

  • Wank’s a GIRL?

    Well there’s goes my view of the world. First I found out that Sulz was a girl and now Wank?

    What’s next? Podz? :)

    Sunburnt, there’s one of Andreas themes that does that as well. It uses the float which makes par of the theme (the datestamps) disappear.

    The Sweet blossems theme just bothers me because I don’t even think it’s wide enough for a thumbnail sometimes. It’s come up a could of times around here.

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