What is the IP address to complete mapping of an existing domain?

  • I just contacted our registrar to get their instructions for mapping our existing website over to WordPress.

    1. Their process is to go into DNS configuration on their control panel, and delete the two “built in A records.”

    2. Then, add a “custom DNS A record”.

    3. to make those changes, I need an IP address to complete their form.

    4. They specifically said not to use the name server change to NS1.WORDPRESS.COM, etc. that I read here: http://en.support.wordpress.com/domain-mapping/map-existing-domain/

    5. Can anyone direct me to where to find the correct wordpress IP address to use?
    Blog url: http://monkstestsite.wordpress.com/

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Using our nameservers is the only supported method for mapping a domain.

    Is there a specific reason you have been instructed not to do this? Do you have other custom DNS entries that need to be preserved?

  • Here’s the answer we got back, (with business names removed, of course!)

    As I don’t work with DNS settings everyday; I hope the options I’m looking for match the right issues:

    1. new site at WordPress.com (in progress, not ready to launch yet)

    2. we’d like the customer to type in our website (ourdomain.com) in the browser and have the new site from wordpress appear, but with our existing domain name.

    3. we want to keep our email on the current domain host’s server, as that had sounded like the smoothest way to go.
    Our domain host’s answer:
    If they say you must use their name servers, then there is no way we can guarantee your email will continue to work. They would have to manage custom DNS entries in their DNS name servers to allow your email to stay on our server, and for it to function properly.

    Are they also providing email service as part of the package?

    Unfortunately, we can only support your email if your DNS records are set correctly to our mail servers. That has to be done either in our or their name servers one way or another. There has to be a better answer to this, but unfortunately they have to give you the information you require.

  • You can manage DNS records here with Domain Mapping and pointing name servers to WordPress.COM – you would probably need a MX & A record to make the email work on your old host – i use my old host for email and I had to get some info from him to add to my domain mapping here – end result the email still works – each host is a bit different – I had to get help with the format of the records I needed to add.

  • auxclass is right; if you obtain the DNS records that are necessary for your email to work when using other nameservers, that can be configured your your domain here.

  • Domain name server change is successful!

    DNS for email: partially successful.
    Outgoing mail from our contact page on WP correctly reaches Admin. Email is correctly logged on the Feedbacks page.

     Outgoing mail from personal web client does not reach our website’s email at all. No errors are returned. (using Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. as an example.)

    I think I’ve got a syntax error in how I interpreted and made the CNAME change:

    When I contacted our email host, here’s their notes:

    “It would appear that the CNAME record is incorrect per their instructions. mail.oursite.com should only be mail (the rest of your domain is added automatically per their instructions).
    The MX record appears correct, so your email should be getting sent to our server correctly.”

    To correct our settings, they said:

    You need an MX record set with a value of 10 pointing to mail.ouremailhost.com
    You need a CNAME record pointing mail.oursite.com to mail. ouremailhost.com

    Here’s what I’ve currently entered in the custom DNS records for our site:

    CNAME mail mail. ouremailhost.com.
    MX 10 mail. ouremailhost.com.

  • I have flagged this thread for Staff attention. Please be patient while waiting.

  • It should work fine set as you mentioned above. Are you still having trouble?

  • You’re correct! I think it took a little more time to filter through the systems…

    our testing’s complete, all is good.

    thanks to all so much!

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