what is the difference between views and visitor in stats

  • what is difference between views and visitor

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    See the “Views and Visitors” section of the Stats support page. If a visitor loads 10 different posts or pages during a visit, that’s 10 views (aka “page views), but just one visit.

    • A view is counted when a visitor loads or reloads a page.
    • A visitor is counted when we see a user or browser for the first time in a given period (day, week, month).

    Since the smallest unit of time regarding visitors is a day, if the same user or browser (ID) visits three times in the same day, it counts as just one visit. However, views may continue to accumulate regardless of the number of visits a user or browser makes in a day.

    It’s not clear to me whether a visiting user or browser loading the same page on multiple visits in a day will count as more than one view, so I’ll call for staff attention for clarification on that point.

  • Yep, if I visited 10 pages on your site today (even reloaded the same page 10 times), that would be 10 views from 1 visitor.

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