What is the difference betweek wordpress.org and wordpress .com? I

  • I need to know where to get live chat support on my website. is it wordrpress.com or wordpress.org?

    Self-declared URL: selectruckscalltracking.com
    Jetpack: Unknown
    WP.com: Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    It looks like you need assistance with your selectruckscalltracking.com site. As I can see your site is using the open-source WordPress.org software hosted with Domain.com.

    👉 In this case, depending on your question you can find guidance through the WordPress.org forums here or your hosting provider here.

    📌️ If you want to learn more about the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org you can check this support guide here.

    Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

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