What is a PayPal address in reference to WordAds?

  • This question was asked twice before by another user but all the answers were completely unhelpful. So, I’m going to try this again :)

    When signing up for WordAds the form asks: ‘Do you have a Paypal address? If so enter it here:’ with no further explanation of what is meant by ‘PayPal address’. Does it mean the username/email address used to log in to PayPal? Is there a public profile address for PayPal users? (I looked and I couldn’t find one) Or are they really asking for your Merchant account ID?

    Please, don’t tell me that I need to sign up for PayPal before I can apply for WordAds.
    Also, don’t just post a link to the help page on the PayPal website or cut & paste random info from PayPal.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Does it mean the username/email address used to log in to PayPal?

    It’s this.

    We need the email that’s associated with your PayPal account so when you get paid from your ads we can send you the money. It is the only method of payment that we support at this time.

  • Do you mean the email address that starts like this: https://www.paypal.com/us/verified/pal=

  • That’s not an email address; it needs to be your email address in the form:

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    This needs to be the same email address that is set for your PayPal account.

  • Yes, I finally figured it out yesterday. It may be easier for users if you replaced the term “PayPal ID” with “Primary Email” of the users PayPal account.

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