What happened to the blog I used to read all the time?

  • Free blogs such as at WordPress.com and Blogger will always stay online. If you self host which means you pay and host on your own server, then it will go offline when they stop paying to self host and stop paying for their domain.

    Actually, I checked again and the domain is up. http://geekwithfibroids.wordpress.com/ redirects to http://blog.geekwithfibroids.com/

    What 1tess wrote now redirects to the blog. There’s no warning showing. http://geekwithfibroids.com/ even goes through which means the domain isn’t down. I just checked and the domain account was just updated last month. Which means she’s still alive. Which means she just had to stop the blog for whatever reason but is paying to keep the domains up. She’s probably seeing all the traffic from this forum to her blog and is keeping it going so it at least stays online.

  • interesting…

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