What does this mean?

  • Why on earth and WHO on earth has been able to post something on my page!? It shows up when I look at my “stats” section (not when I look at my dashboard). When I click on the link my page appears with the following posting:

    Looks like you have a problem here sir/madam. You sure you have the right place? Maybe you got a little lost? Maybe you’re looking for something you’re not supposed to find? Either way, just go search for it, it can’t hurt.”



  • i think it would help better if you give us the link so we can see it from where we are… =)

  • click on my name at the left-hand side of the post ;)
    (www.boheemlane.wordpress.com) BUT, it does not show up (I think) for others on my blog. although it is everpresent when I look on my dashboard, at the blog stats section. (the most popular posts?) when I click there, it appears on my blog page. why?

  • If other users can’t see it, it’s a backend issue and we in the forum can’t help you. Drop support a Feedback from one of the pages where you see this text.

  • oh, i thought you meant a specific post, whoops =P

  • That’s the backend error page. (I have it on daria.be as well) Feel free to send in a Feedback with the URL you were trying to see and where you clicked to get there. Specifics are needed in this case.

    Hope this helps,

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