what do you want to see fixed or improved?

  • 3) Where specifically are you seeing this? First I’ve heard about it. There is a box in teh Write Posts page but that’s suppose to be there so you can input new categories on the fly.

    4) As to the bold font, looks like a normal font to me from here using IE 6.0.2900 at 1280 x 1024. The space between lines is theme specific. We share themes between users on this platform. If staff was to change it for you, we’d have someone in here complaining that it’s too narrow now.

    5) It’s a bug with IE. Maybe someday MS will pay attention to CSS.

    Maybe we ought to get Sulz to write the FAQs. :)

  • I would like to see an easier method for posting pictures. Each time I want to
    post a picture I have to drag out Dr. MIke’s set of instructions. I follow the
    steps exactly but half the time it doesn’t work because the picture is too big
    or something else is wrong. Plus it’s so slow. It may be just due to my
    ignorance as well but I cannot be very creative with the picture. It
    seems you can only slap it on there and there try to work around it or under it
    with the text.

  • judyk
    I suspect the problem you are having may stem from the fact that you don’t know how large the photos you are trying to upload are and they are so wide they are exceeding the size of your blog column but I could be wrong.

    I don’t know what your operating system is or how familiar you are with the use of it in regard to sizing photos. Suffice it to say that I take all photos that I intend to upload to my blog and put them into MS Paint first (my operating system is windows XP professional). Once they are in paint I size them so they do not exceed the width of the columns in my blog (about 400 pixels). Once they are sized then uploading them into my blog is very easy and very quick. This entire process only takes me a few minutes.

  • The Pictures section on the faq has some info which will be useful.

  • -Sulz: Your reply –so funny had to stand up, lol, don’t have Clue One, but then I’ve been up all nite dealing with a tech prob, LOL… I DO however, know that the freakn thing is defaulted to Greenwich Mean Time, which means London, where, sadly, I’m not.

    -Podz: You couldn’t hardly know: Loooong before I ask a question in public, I’ve spent Serious time searching for an answer, cuz since I’m literal, nearly never understand/people leave out key parts/assume knowledge…. When I say I can’t set the time, believe it, I’m pretty frustrated. Then along comes Sulz who says a) ‘re-set EACH time’ I post. Along comes you who says b) ‘Not true’…. Can you hear that sound? It’s my forehead “touching” the screen. So the answer is? C. None of the above. See: way over there –very farthest corner –way at the bottom –if one opens the page –as far as the screen will allow, is part of a box, which says “Update Opt…”
    If one does not READ about it in FAQ, click it –even see it: one gets hot, but not smarter
    …No Permanent Fix….
    IMO: “click on the Update box to save changes” –should, like, be added to Time FAQ? Or: Move the box closer to the center/underneath the little time windows. Or: allow users to open entire page??? (Or is that Another MS/Bill Gates screwy? –The same as: I can’t see right side of this window I’m typing in….)

    WP, though elegant, is so very much more complicated than Blogger that, IMO, For Each FAQ Answer: give to someone with as much common sense and articulation as Sulz and at least two others as reasonable and ask them to SPECIFICALLY, Literally Follow the written instructions. If they CANNOT/ parts are missing/confusing/vague/too short, etc: they can give their in-put/re-write. Now I need to lie down, my head hurts, lol….

  • OMG when it comes to communicating I think I’ve found a WordPress soul sister ROFLMAO!
    But you’re wrong about Blogger gal – IMO Blogger sucks and offers zero support whn problems surface.
    P.S. Sorry for your problems …really…

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