What do you lose when upgrade to a paid plan?

  • If i upgrade this blog to a paid plan, will I lose my current followers and all my posts and menu items to date? I heard that happened to one wordpress blogger.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You will not lose followers or content when you upgrade. You don’t need to make a backup or change your URL. You will gain extra things such as storage space, removal of ads, the ability to link a custom domain, live chat support (this just on the Personal plan). Premium includes many more customization options such as the ability to add Custom CSS, and the Business plan allows for custom plugins and theme and many other tools: https://wordpress.com/pricing/.

    To upgrade, if logged in as an administrator to your site you can visit https://wordpress.com/plans and choose the appropriate plan.

    If you then move back to free from a paid plan (or downgrade plan) you again will not lose any content or followers. Downgrading plans will mean you lose customizations that are specific to that plan (for example downgrading from Premium to Free you would lose any Custom CSS that you have added). Downgrading to a cheaper plan requires staff assistance, and downgrading outside the refund period of a plan means you may not be able to receive a refund for the difference in cost so it is best to downgrade when a plan is due to renew.

    I hope this answers your question – if there was anything else please feel free to ask :)

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