what do all those new widgets do?

  • Just noticed that there are a lot of new widgets available for my Day Dream theme with names like Palatial Map Kit, Meebo, Authors, but no descriptions. The names by themselves don’t mean anything to me so how can I find what the new widgets do? TIA

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • They’re not new. A quick search turns up the page with all the information:


  • Thank you ellaella for exactly what I was looking for. I searched the forums a couple of times before posting but should have looked further when I didn’t find anything relevant.

    That reminds me to give a shout-out to the incredible WP forums and the volunteers who person them. I’ve been struggling to get answers to questions on other sites (including open source) and always end up re-appreciating the quality and timeliness of WP responses. Kudos.

  • Thank you very much. That’s most appreciated. I think the response time here is the best I’ve ever seen — and I’ve been on line more than 20 years.

    While the link to the FAQ is self-evident, but still overlooked quite often, I do wish the link to the support documents were labeled differently to make clear it’s not a link to tech support. Searching the FAQ will return docs from support, but I do think a little clarity would be helpful.

    Thanks again for the kind words about all the people who volunteer here.

  • You’re most welcome, and thanks to y’all for your help.

    Now that you mention it, the support docs could be more clearly labeled and more easily found, but I guess the FAQ is the place to go : )

  • Yes the FAQs is the first place to look for answers to questions and that’s why bookmarking the link is a wise thing to do http://faq.wordpress.com/

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