What are you guys doing????? Can't read ANY blogs except Freshly Pressed

  • Ok, I don’t know what you guys are doing, but it seems I can now ONLY read blogs YOU feed me as FRESHLY PRESSED. I can’t see/read by way of topics I select OR blogs I follow via my reader. NOTHING is working.

    No way to contact support either – this really stinks. Can someone please assist?????

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • sorry i can’t help.

    i am however SUSPENDING all publishing ACTIVITY until it makes sense to post new material. now it’s like thowing good work down the drain.

    you are not alone

  • I cannot see my landing page in firefox or chrome. redirect to : http://hennessysview.com/remote-login.php?login=ff7d3cf2382ae1fbfe1b1fc829b719d3&id=21396221&u=cb5a1cf48ac2634d6ec5b444f68dad55&h= Which is blank.

    Same problem on 2 different sites.

    And, as usual, WP.com support is AWOL.

  • Hi, I’d been having this problem along with my friends for a few weeks. Someone on the forum advised to use Google Chrome as the browser and I’ve had no problems with the reader since then (last week). Nothing would work with Explorer for me. I hope it works for you too!

  • Interesting ohsewtempting….however I refuse to use Google Chrome….either this works on firefox or explorer…I will not be forced to use a google product. Guess we will wait and see…

  • I’m with you bloggerintraining…. I don’t use Google Chrome – I use Safari and only when FORCED, I use Firefox.

    That all being said, however, I just logged in using my big Mac (usually use my Macbook Pro) to reply to this message and…. VOILA! My reader looks to be working again. Will have to ck out further, but looks promising!

    I’ll report back if there is any knowledge to be gained :-) Thank you all for your comments. I’d have truly been lost without them!


  • I am having all kinds of problems. Whenever I go to a site like http://en.wordpress.com/tag/catholic and get the search up for Cathoic Blogs it goes right back to my reader if I am signed into my blog. If I am signed out then it will take me to the Catholic site. However then I cannot post a comment, until I sign back in. Then if I hit the “next” button to go to the next page on the Catholic site, back to my reader it goes. Then I have to scroll and scroll forever to get to what I want to read. Is this something new or a problem as it only started yesterday on my blog. Of course cannot contact support because I did not pay for my blog, so the decision was made I and the others such as myself are not good enough to get help. I do not like it and if it continues will blog somewhere else. I had two others complain about it today also. I do not know when something is not broke and all are enjoying themselves, why everyone thinks they have to fix it and break everything. my blog is http://bearingheavycrosses.wordpress.com SR

  • The tag pages, the blog reader, and comment notification are ALL messed up and staff are tinkering with them. I’d hold off complaining till they’re done, probably Monday. THEN you can say “the new way you’ve decided this should work is awful.” Until then, they’re just tinkering.

  • Update from me at creativetherapydesignstudio.com:::

    Thank you timethief for the link…..

    Although my newly software updated and disk cleaned desktop Mac seems to be showing me my reader properly, I’m still having issues on my MacBook Pro laptop, which sucks, cuz that’s what I prefer to work from.

    Going to try and do some cleaning up and updating of Safari to see if I can fix it here too, but one computer is better than none!

    Good luck everyone :-)

  • Back that puppy up….. guess I was premature in saying all was well with my desktop access……

    Now I don’t even have an option to see my dashboard (from upper right corner) OR even the WP drop down from far left top corner !!! Can’t do anything now but see my own blog page !!!

    Fun – now what ?!?!?!

  • Nothing is any better here either. I have to sign in and out continously to do anything. I wish they would quit “tinkering” and fix it or let us know what is going on!!! What really upsets me is we cannot contact them. I downloaded chrome last night, helped nothing!

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