What are the most popular themes on wp.com?

  • This may be an idle question, but I am wondering if WordPress.com publishes any statistics about how many bloggers use each theme.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve never seen anything.

  • yeah, I haven’t seen anything but I’d have a feeling Kubrick might be one of the most popular. I’d love to see such a list though, hopefully they’ll think about creating one.

  • No, I have not either.

    I’m just curious. Many of you long-time and more expert volunteers than I, may have an impression about which themes you have seen most frequently. I only look at questions that I might know about, and I’m not an expert on many problems/questions.
    But, lately when I answer questions here, it seems that I see a great many black themes. Especially ChaoticSoul. (???—that is my own taste coming through)

    As I said, it’s idle curiosity about what most bloggers want in a theme. They all did a great job updating to this latest version of wp.com, and I suppose I’d just like to see some polling about features for new themes. Starting with info volunteers have about what folks are looking for would be a good place to start.

    Likely you know “talking through hat?”

  • It’s a good question, tess (and far more interesting than penguin crap and adsense questions). I see a lot of Digg, Misty, Cutline and lately, the new one, whatever it’s called, the sort of magaziney one.

    And you’re right about Chaotic Soul, all the dark themes really. I find white type on black very hard to read, but I don’t think I’m the target demographic for most of those blogs. :)

  • Yeah, for some reason I’ve seen the darker themes catching on. I’ve actually been seeing quite a few more blogs using the Redoable Lite theme.

  • The top ten themes are, in descending order:


  • Thanks, tellyworth!

  • oh, wow, so there is a list and one of my guesses weren’t on the list! lol
    I’m not surprised Chaoticsoul would be at the top, but I absolutely loved the Contempt theme when I 1st came to wordpress.

  • I’ve never seen it posted before, but I suspected they would, or could pull that information out of the system if they chose.

  • It would only make sense.

    This pretty much mirrors what I see when I teach, except that at first EVERYONE wants Ocean Mist, because the header pic is so pretty. Once they do a custom header, then they start switching themes and making decisions based on the functionality rather than the header.

  • Yes, Misty, Cutline,Chaotic, and the new one, Vigilance, are all themes I see questions about often.
    I agree that the black themes are hard to read and hard on the eyes, especially when you click again to a white background. My eyes give me a headache.

    Now which themes are the least used?
    Sweet Blossoms, Banana Smoothie, Vermilion Christmas, Iceburgg…

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