Weird and bad things happening on my blog. "UNFOLLOW" in my blog control panel!!

  • Holy smoke Batman! I clicked to my blog from my “Favorites” page as I always do, at
    only to see that there was no little Blog tag where I usually click to get into my Dashboard.

    So I went to the Meta widget and clicked “Log In” but clicking that did NOT yield a log in page. 8-(

    And BIG HORROR: At the top of the blog, at the Word Press blog control panel, next to the name of my blog is a link that says ‘UNFOLLOW,” which is like an “invitation” to unfollow my blog *if a person is following it at all.”

    There is NO LINK to get to SUPPORT — most important section of WordPress! I found this page by going to Dashboard, Help, and clicking something there called Community Forums.

    I WAS able to get to a New Post page, however, which was good news.

    Please, can someone explain what’s going on? I hate that link that invites people to “UNFOLLOW.”


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The URL above did not answer my question about why there is an “unfollow” link in the control panel of my blog or how I can take it off.


  • I’m not one of your followers, so that link is labeled “Follow” for me when I go to your blog.

    So logically, for you to see an “Unfollow” link, you’d have to already “Follow” your own blog.

    Does this make sense?

  • Actually yes!! Ummm. but I didn’t know that I am following my own blog. Is it automatic that the owner of a blog is automatically a follower of that blog? I mean, logically, yes, but technically in the WordPress mechanics of it all, is every blogger a follower of his own blog?


  • Lol no you at some point clicked follow.

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