Website URL Help

  • Hi there,
    I tried to change my website URL from it’s original name to my company name but doing so seems to have lost the website overall. How can I restore the original settings to get access to my website back?

  • Hi there,

    I tried to change my website URL from it’s original name to my company name but doing so seems to have lost the website overall.

    Please share your website URL. This information will help us assist you better. Moreover, please refer to this support document in future, whenever you wish to change the site address.

    How can I restore the original settings to get access to my website back?

    To get the access to all the settings of your site, you just need to log in with the username and password using which you created account.

    Please note that this solution is applicable to sites only and not to self-hosted WordPress sites. Here is the difference.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • I used Bluehost for the domain name which has a page to log into WordPress but I can’t even log into my WordPress website anymore, it’s like it cant find the website. All it does now is say “can’t find the server” and “failed to open page”.

    This is the link that comes up:

  • Hi there,

    I used Bluehost for the domain name which has a page to log into WordPress but I can’t even log into my WordPress website anymore, it’s like it cant find the website. All it does now is say “can’t find the server” and “failed to open page”.

    This is the link that comes up:

    Alright! So, let’s take one at a time and from the beginning. :)

    In simple words, Domain name is the website name. So, we can certainly buy it from any domain provider (such as BlueHost, NameCheap etc.). To get this domain running, a site needs website hosting. Website hosting is like a physical location of a website that keeps the information, images, video, and other content that comprises your website.

    Continuing with WordPress and As I have shared the difference previously, I expect you have seen the shared support page. WordPress is an open source software which you can download and install easily on your servers. Most web hosting providers offer WordPress hosting these days. Once it is installed you are ready to create and customize your website using your website URL followed by wp-admin. For example, or and so on.

    These types of websites are self-hosted WordPress sites.

    On the other hand, is a fully hosted WordPress site. All you have to do is signup for it and get started with the required plan. See different plans of here.

    Continuing with the issue that you have shared here. The URL (http://puppontherun/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=sso-check&nonce=ec5b5c3fe60b4f33276fb6671f65288e1701196957fba4ae1180803a51edf9) that you have shared seems to be incorrect. I searched for puppontherun on Google and found this website: Is this your website? If it is then it is a self-hosted WordPress site and not a site. Hence, this is not the forum where self-hosted WordPress site owner will get the solution to the issues of their WordPress sites. The support page for self-hosted WordPress sites is

    Continuing with the issue that you have shared here. The URL (http://puppontherun/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=sso-check&nonce=ec5b5c3fe60b4f33276fb6671f65288e1701196957fba4ae1180803a51edf9) that you have shared seems to be incorrect. I searched for puppontherun on Google and found this website: Is this your website? If it is then it is a self-hosted WordPress site and not a site. Hence, this is not the forum where self-hosted WordPress site owner will get the solution to the issues of their WordPress sites. The support page for self-hosted WordPress sites is

    However, despite of being a member of I would like to suggest you something here which might solve your issue. If your site URL is then you must access the website backend using (You must keep the full website URL prior to wp-admin in order to access WordPress site editor.) It will ask you the username and password. If you are the owner of this site and feed it with the right username and password, you will be able to access your website editor.

    Please note that self-hosted WordPress site credentials are different on accounts and hence, do not work on logins.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • Sorry for repeating one paragraph in last reply. That’s a typo error! :(

  • Just noticed that I missed the link of plans in my reply. Please find the plans here:

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