Website traffic not reporting

  • Hi there… i was wondering if anyone could assist; i am using external links to my workdpress site on Facebook and Twitter : however , my site is not recording all visits when I compare the number of link clicks on fb/ twitter to the number of visits to my site. Is there a setting error where some external links aren’t recording traffic? Any help would be great Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    my site is not recording all visits when I compare the number of link clicks on fb/ twitter to the number of visits to my site

    I’m not positive how they measure clicks. Can you share how you’re checking this? For example, are you clicking something from Facebook then looking for an uptick in our stats? If so, it could just be a delay in our tallying. Or, if you’re looking at totals for a particular day vs totals for the same day on our services, that could be a matter of time zone differences.

    If those don’t account for what you’re seeing, please share more details, including screenshots if possible, and we’ll go from there. Thanks!

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