Website title disappeared

  • Hello!
    I was working on my website last night when I noticed that my website title went missing and is just showing up completely blank. It is supposed to be on the very top before the menu where it is currently showing up white. How do I get it back?? I have went through all the settings and revisions and I have no I idea why it is blank. Appreciate all the help in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi There,

    Yes, I can see Jessica Yakubovsky is set as the site title in your page source.
    Could you please check by any chance your Display site title and tagline are unchecked?

    Go to My Site → Appearance → Customize → Site Identity and check for Display site title and tagline option. If it is unchecked then check this and reload the page after clearing the browser cache.

    Clearing browser cache:-

    Solve Common Browser Issues

    Hope this helps!

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