Website suddenly not loading

  • Hi I added a custom domain to my new wordpress site this morning – all has been working fine but now my website is suddenly not loading. All other websites are loading fine – weirdly it’s working on my phone – but can’t get it to load on computer. Have tried three different machines and it just says it’s taking too long to respond.

    I don’t know what’s caused this issue or how to fix it – could it be something to do with my wifi?!

    Any help most appreciated.
    I can get into my dashboard still.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Just as additional info – I just linked my mac to my phone on personal hotspot and the website loaded fine! So it must be something to do with wifi, but still none the wiser how to fix it. When I looked it up it just says the website must be unavailable?

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