Web Clips on Google

  • Frequently, my post names come up as web clips through Google. What is the meaning of this? How does it happen?

    Thank you.


  • Hi Shirley,

    Do you mean the “web clips” that appear in your google mail account and you can browse through with the < and > arrows above your email?

    If that’s where it’s happening it’s almost certain you (or someone else) has added you’re site to your web clips on your google account.

    To check, click “Settings” and then choose “Web Clips” and you’ll see a list of all of them. Find your blog in your list & delete it.

    If you have any more problems you’ll need to discuss it with google as it doesn’t sound like a WordPress issue.

    Good luck,

  • I did not make myself clear. On my husband’s laptop computer, he has a Google side bar that presents breaking news, etc, along with web clips. Often the names of my posts come up, along with other people’s web clips, and news of the day,etc.
    Once today, there were five of mine posted there.

  • Thank you for your help. I checked on my husband’s web clips and indeed, my blog was listed there.

    Problem resolved. :)

  • Hi – I’ve just joined Google Mail and am trying to get web clips on my inbox entrance page. ‘Help’ tells me to click on ‘Settings’ and select the tab ‘web clips’. However there is no tab called ‘web clips’ in ‘Settings’. This leaves me feeling alone, confused, stranded before I’ve even begun.

    Please Help!

  • Ninao – I think you’ll need to ask Google about this.

  • Webclips is what Google calls an RSS feed in this case.

    How do I add custom feeds to ‘Web Clips’?

    Good luck. I can’t get it to pick up my feeds.

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