Web Adress problem

  • Sory for my english i am french.

    I have change my Web Adress ‘littlefrenchiediary.wordpress.com’ to ‘littlefrenchdiary.wordpress.com’. But i want to change for the first adress. They told me that the adress was already used, so i have delete littlefrenchiediary.wordpress.com.
    Then, i have tried to change the adress littlefrenchdiary.wordpress.com to littlefrenchiediary… and this was supposed to work. But they still tell me that the adress is already used… I need your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • how do i change my url address that i registered with? i miss spelled it!

  • @noemierssl,

    Your site address is littlefrenchdiary.wordpress.com. As, littlefrenchiediary.wordpress.com has been deleted it cannot be used again, even by you.

    @throbbingpalm, See this support guide on how to change your site’s URL:

    Also in the future please start a new thread instead of piggybacking on another post. Thanks!

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