Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go

  • Hi, our website was removed due to the subscribe was expired. I renew the subscribe and try to recovery website from jatpack , then the problem appears.
    Some photos on the main page are missing and when click the button it says:
    Warning! Domain mapping upgrade for this domain not found. Please log in and go.
    Wired thing is I’ve solved this problem last year by rewind function. I active all the plugins but still it doesn’t work. Is there any technical support I can get like recover the whole page by redemption or can I get very ealier version back up from you?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Please contact live chat support at https://wordpress.com/help/contact for help with this. Our team there will be able to check what’s going on with Rewind on your site, and can help restore any available backup for you.

    The forum you posted to now provides support for free sites that don’t have access to the advanced features of your Business Plan site.

  • Thanks, I’ve sent a support ticket throughthis link already and there’s no reply yet. So maybe I should keep waiting or send another one?

  • Hi @tfjoy2, I wouldn’t worry about submitting another one. This is just a trickier issue, but they’ll get it taken care of soon and respond to you there. Cheers!

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