Warning: Automatic comments closing

  • While I appreciate the ability to automatically close comments on POSTS after a certain time frame has passed, I did not realize until yesterday that it also closed comments on PAGES. And, on some themes, including the Sandbox theme I am using, the closing of comments on pages results in the previous comments disappearing.

    To temporarily solve this problem, I changed the publish date on my pages (some of which were created at the start of my blog, nearly 3 years ago). I believe the option to automatically close comments should NOT apply to pages; in fact, the option described in the dashboard (settings>discussion) gives NO hint that pages are affected as it only says “articles.” As an alternative, there should be two separate automatic comments closings: one for posts and another for pages. (Another alternative would be the ability to override automatic comments closings on any post or page.)

    If you are using the automatic comments closing, check your pages.

  • I forgot to mention – a side benefit of the automatic closing of comments on pages is a decrease in spam. It seems that spammers LOVE posting to pages.

  • The comments on posts or pages should not be deleted regardless of whether automatic comment closing is off or on. At least that is my opinion.

  • They aren’t deleted – just hidden. And I was surprised because the same problem does not exist on posts on my theme.

  • Ah, I thought they were deleted.

    I’d bring it to staff’s attention. I think pages should at the very least work the same as posts.

  • I have sent an email, plus a link to this thread.

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