wanted: a REAL background image, not one that ignores WP content

  • Gday all, I’ve tried all sorts of CSS solutions, plus the odd plugin, but they have all so far only given me a background that doesn’t touch the central WP page.

    How can I make that change, so that the background image is for the entire site, and not just the area outside the main WP page?

    Thanks from down under yet again for any advice :)


  • Hi Ed,

    What is the address of the site you need help with? And what exactly are you referring to with “the central WP page”

    Note that this forum only provides support for sites hosted on WordPress.com, and the only way to set a custom background on a WordPress.com site is via the Customizer, as explained here:


    Your mention of using CSS and plugins leads me to believe you’re using the open source version of WordPress at another host – using custom CSS on WordPress.com requires our Premium Plan, and installing plugins require our Business Plan, and you only have one site with us, on the free plan, https://trustyourgut868166493.wordpress.com/.

    If you’re trying to make these changes to a site using the open sourec WordPress software at another host, please ask at https://wordpress.org/support/forums/ or contact support for the theme you’re using instead.

  • Yes, I’m using WP on another site. I’ll try the forums you suggest.

    Thanks for the pointer!

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