Want to use WP to upload email and create RSS feed

  • Long story – trying to integrate (insert eyeroll) Yahoo Group emails into my new Xenforo community message board, because the old f*rts in my 55+ community don’t want to learn something new so they are sticking with the YG (until Verizon kills it – they aren’t supporting YG anymore and features/functionality is degrading). But the new members of my group don’t want to have to read two different sources of information about our community – it’s annoying!

    I had it all worked out with Zapier – until it became clear that I couldn’t do it for free, and in fact it would cost $50/mo at least. No can do – I’m doing this on my dime already.

    At the moment, I have the emails segregated into one folder on Outlook and forwarded to a gmail account (from which the Zaps were created). I asked on the XenForo message board and received the following advice:

    You could create a WordPress site that makes post via email and use its RSS feed.

    But I need to know exactly how to do that. I know how to put the RSS feed URL into XenForo, but … how to create it here?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks – I figured that out late last night and uploaded the feed URL to my message board, but then hit other problems:

    1) SOME of the emails I’m trying to post on my WordPress blog are not uploading correctly – they are showing up only with the titles. So what is getting posted in the RSS feed is titles and no content.

    2) A bunch of emails to the email post addressed bounced (too many?) and now has me unable to send ANY emails from my own email address. I can’t figure this out at all.


  • 1. For this side, I have a feeling that a lot of emails sent at once are overloading things. I’m not sure if that would cause post by email to lose the email content, but let’s see. I’m tagging this with modlook to have staff check up on that.

    2. This is an email provider issue, and hopefully they can help you soon on that!

  • Hi @hamletcox, we were indeed getting quite a few posts.

    Can you confirm whether the ones that cut off were all forwarded emails?

  • I ask because I wonder if it’s cutting things off after any dashes, which could be present in forwards, too:

    Post by Email

  • Hi there. The email block from Outlook (yes, because I applied the forward rule to the entire folder than had about 3000 emails – oops) has been lifted, but the emails are being posted to WP as only titles. I don’t know about dashes. I don’t really understand how to apply the instructions you linked to (sorry – I know just enough to attempt this thankless project for my community).

    1) None of content is posting at all, almost all the time

    2) On the rare occasion that content has posted, it is missing the crucial hotlinks at the end of each message, which allow the reader to respond to the post by clicking on the link, which opens a REPLY email. This is really important to lure the old Luddites over to the message board, to learn to use it, so they can still ALSO easily use the email group (until it dies from lack of support/Yahoo kills it) in a familiar way.

    Here is what the emails which are being forwarded look like – I’d be really happy if the email post terminated right after the “reply to sender, reply to group” and before “Have you tried the highest rated email app?
    ” but at this point, I’m not picky – I just want the email content and links to post!
    From: (email visible only to moderators and staff) <(email visible only to moderators and staff)> On Behalf Of Lisa Overton (email visible only to moderators and staff) [pebblecreek]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 8:51 AM
    To: (email visible only to moderators and staff); (email visible only to moderators and staff)
    Subject: [pebblecreek] BEWARE SCAM

    I just received a call from man claiming to be a man captainfrom social security saying that my number has been compromised and asking for my number DON’T GIVE IT TO HIM HANG UP.

    Posted by: Lisa Overton <(email visible only to moderators and staff)>
    Reply via web post
    • Reply to sender
    • Reply to group
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    • Messages in this topic (1)

    Have you tried the highest rated email app?
    With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.
    Helpful e-mail Addresses

    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -For Help With Your Account

    To change mail delivery, use your e-mail program to send an empty message (no subject, no text) to:

    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to stop your mail (Vacations, etc.)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to start it again (Return from Vacations, etc.)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to QUIT the group
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to join the group, or rejoin after quitting

    Upon sending to the above addresses, if you receive a confirmation e-mail from Yahoo, be sure to hit "Reply" and "Send" in order for your request to take effect.

    To change the appearance of your e-mails:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) – to have the "full featured" format.
    This is now the default setting. Unfortunately, Yahoo also sends along advertisements
    with this format.
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) – to remove the extra features and return
    to a traditional format. There are no advertisements with this format.

    In each case, you'll get a confirmation of the change from the mailbot.

    • Privacy • Unsubscribe • Terms of Use


  • So definitely anything with the long horizontal line is going to get stripped, and that includes the signature that you want to be included. I don’t know of a way to avoid that being lost, but maybe @supernovia or another staff member does.

    For the ones not posting any content, are any dashes at the beginning of the email, by chance?

  • Hi there,

    I can confirm what @darciemg said above:

    If the email you send contains any horizontal lines, anything after the first one will not be posted to your site. This is how this tool is designed to work, and there’s no way to avoid it. So you’ll need to go through the email and remove all of those before you send it.

    And if you’re forwarding emails, also remove the original sender information at the top of the email, including any lines added in there.

    The body of the email you send to your blog should contain only the content that will actually appear in the post, and without any horizontal lines used as separators between content.

  • Well, that’s no good – there are lines in the original posts, as well as the line that Outlook adds at the top of the forwarded email to divide the text added to the forward, if any, from the original forwarded content. And one of those embedded lines in the original content divides the original content from the automatically added hotlinks for responding to the original post by email – which needs to be kept in the post.

    This only works for me if the forwards are automatic, because there are about 100/day.

    There is no way to shut off the instruction to cut below a line in the email posting tool? That makes this unworkable for me.

    Can you explain why a FEW of the posts worked? They all were created the same way. https://rssfeedforegroupemails.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/pebblecreek-sizzix-die-cutting-system/

    It cut off the hotlinks, but the text posted. This is what the forward looked like in my sent email – however, the gray line above the “From:” wouldn’t copy here – but I don’t understand how it is perceived as a line in MOST posts but not this one:

    From: (email visible only to moderators and staff) <(email visible only to moderators and staff)> On Behalf Of Linda Weiss (email visible only to moderators and staff) [pebblecreek]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 7:26 PM
    To: E-group For Sale <(email visible only to moderators and staff)>
    Subject: [pebblecreek] Sizzix Die Cutting System

    Sizzix Die Cutting System with Alphabars and Number Dies.
    (Letters about 1.5”-2” tall)
    Instruction book included. $10.00 for All

    Linda Weiss
    Posted by: Linda Weiss <(email visible only to moderators and staff)>
    Reply via web post
    • Reply to sender
    • Reply to group
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    • Messages in this topic (1)

    Have you tried the highest rated email app?
    With 4.5 stars in iTunes, the Yahoo Mail app is the highest rated email app on the market. What are you waiting for? Now you can access all your inboxes (Gmail, Outlook, AOL and more) in one place. Never delete an email again with 1000GB of free cloud storage.
    Helpful e-mail Addresses

    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -For Help With Your Account

    To change mail delivery, use your e-mail program to send an empty message (no subject, no text) to:

    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to stop your mail (Vacations, etc.)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to start it again (Return from Vacations, etc.)
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to QUIT the group
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) -to join the group, or rejoin after quitting

    Upon sending to the above addresses, if you receive a confirmation e-mail from Yahoo, be sure to hit "Reply" and "Send" in order for your request to take effect.

    To change the appearance of your e-mails:
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) – to have the "full featured" format.
    This is now the default setting. Unfortunately, Yahoo also sends along advertisements
    with this format.
    (email visible only to moderators and staff) – to remove the extra features and return
    to a traditional format. There are no advertisements with this format.

    In each case, you'll get a confirmation of the change from the mailbot.
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