Want to Match URL with New Page Title

  • I changed the title to one of my pages. But the URL has kept the word “politics,” the former name of the page.

    How can I update the URL so that it reflects the new title of the page? Thank you.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, to change the page URL of your Sales page, go to that page’s Editor. Below the title of the page, highlight “politics” then delete it and add whatever word/s you like. If it’s going to be more than one word, add a dash/hyphen “-” between the words, no spaces and then save it.

    Screenshot here: https://cloudup.com/cqVEj-vqYmt

  • Elzrjose,

    Thank you.

    That was kind of funny to me. Didn’t realize that it was so easy.

    And thanks for making the answer easy too. Grateful to your valuable time and great efforts. Thanks.

  • You’re very welcome gabriel76. I too have experienced that like I’m already banging my head to figure something out and then realized how easy it was when I figured it out. Haha :)

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