Want to build a book exchange site

  • Hello,

    I am wondering if there are built-in tools within WordPress that allows me build a website for facilitating textbooks within my graduate program. Ideally, this website supports the following basic features:

    • Visitors can list books they are willing to give away (or sell)
    • Visitors can list books they are looking for (in case anyone already has it and comes across it)
    • Visitors can search if the books they are looking for is already listed
    • The assumption is that the users will be the people in my department (about ~100 of them), so there is no need for pay-now buttons or fancy user interface. I’m looking to build something simple.

    I’d appreciate any help on this!



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    For a site with this type of requirement, I would recommend our Business Plan so that you can utilize our WooCommerce plugin. There is an extension for WooCommerce called Product Vendors, which would let you turn the site into a multi-vendor marketplace (with site visitors being the vendors).

    I noticed you’ve had an account for many years. Have you ever used plugins before? Essentially, they add extra features to your site:

    Please feel free to reply to this message if you have any other questions and have a great day!

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