Want to allow users to filter posts by category

  • Hi there, I’m helping my friend add functionality to the blog page on his website. He had an agency build it, but I can’t figure out how they have this set up. It looks like he has a posts page template in his WP editor, but the rest of the site is built with Elementor. If I go into Elementor, there looks to be a “skin” kind of page for his blog where all the posts show up in a stylized grid with pagination at the bottom. I can’t add any blocks to the WP Posts page and have them show on the live site; I have to add them to the Elementor version for them to show on the live site. What I’d like to do is add a way for his clients to be able to go to the blog and filter posts based on the category they want. We tried adding the categories drop down block, but it did not seem to filter the posts at all. It didn’t seem to do anything at all. Then we added a query loop block, but that broke the style/formatting of the grid and wasn’t working the way we want. So my questions are:

    1. Is this even possible to do with the available widgets? I don’t code and neither does he
    2. Can someone help me understand what that posts page is even doing in this setup? I can’t figure out how it’s linked to the Elementor page.

    Page I need help with: https://classactcats.com/blog/


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