Waiting time for deleted blog domains?

  • I want to create another WordPress.com blog!

    There was a problem! WordPress.com says: “Sorry, that blog already exists!”

    BUT … the blog domain has existed before and have been deleted sometime and reads now “The authors have deleted this blog. The content is no longer available.”

    The blog domain should have been available now. Shouldn’t it? Do I have to take into account a waiting time for deleted blog domains to be free?

    I would like to have the blog domain. What should I do?

  • Thank you for your answer, judyb12.

    Mmh. OK, but what about WP.com’s statement: “If you’re not going to use a great blog domain, leave it for a new user.”

    I would propose that after a waiting time that deleted blog domains should be free again. Maybe after 6 or 12 months.

    Consider this as a feedback to the WP.com team.

  • OK, but what about WP.com’s statement: “If you’re not going to use a great blog domain, leave it for a new user.”

    That refers to not sucking up a great blog domain by registering it, if you’re not going to use it. I believe the policy on not re-using blog domains is to prevent spammers and porn sites from using deceptive domain names such as “knitting-for-dummies.wordpress.com”

  • It also exists to prevent people from registering the deleted blog of a former blogger and using it to pose as that person. Using deleted blog domain names is a major source of drama wherever it is allowed.

  • I understand. Thx for your fast support, guys.

  • I understand also. Because we want to register the same name with the same account of the same person.

  • There is no sense in holding your breath waiting and it makes no sense at all to keep posting to the forum on this topic.

    Please read the FAQs and understand that management and staff do not intend to make these deleted blog names available again – ever – to anyone. http://faq.wordpress.com/2006/05/07/recycling-blog-names/

    I deleted my blog but now I’d like it back

  • “It also exists to prevent people from registering the deleted blog of a former blogger and using it to pose as that person. Using deleted blog domain names is a major source of drama wherever it is allowed.”

    Is that really an issue if the waiting time is one year? I mean, everyone who read the old blog surely know by then it has been deleted.

  • Hello noquarter
    You can send your policy change suggestion to staff with the full knowledge that staff do not intend to make these deleted blog names available again – ever – for anyone http://wordpress.com/contact-support/ But posting here into a “resolved” thread on a dead horse issue is an exercise in futility because we do not discuss wp.com company policy on the forums.

  • Timethief, the policy got changed recently.

  • Well, I did get one response at least. : ) (thx)

    I might contact the support. It just makes no sense not making the blog names available again.

    The FAQ says: “While you might feel it will benefit you because then you can get a name you want, what if someone wants your current name? And someone else wants another name?”

    I don’t understand the relevance of those counter-questions. Of course no one can claim a blog name that’s IN USE. The question is solely about deleted blogs (and possibly inactive blogs, with a waiting time of a year or so).

  • Please keep reading.

    edit: Actually I don’t think it will help you. I just wanted to point out that the policy had been changed.

  • That’s nice. It just feels wrong having all those great blog names lost forever. :)

  • I will never delete my blogs. That way no identity confusion can ever arise. No new blogger can use the same domains and give rise to the confusion that they are me when they aren’t.

    May I have a link to the policy change statement please?

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