W2 Theme – upload image in comments from mobile?

  • Hi,

    W2 is great because it’s simple and allows threaded comments.

    I would like commenters on the blog to be able to upload images.

    This is possible on Desktop and Tablet view, but when you are commenting from Mobile view, there are no options for uploading images. (All the html options are invisible, with no way to access them?)

    How can I let the mobile view include the option to upload an image when commenting? Most of my users will access from mobile view…


  • Sorry I meant “P2” theme not “W2”

  • Hi, we can file a request on this. In the meantime, are your users able to add images by pasting a url?

  • Thanks for looking at this.

    Sure they can. People already use URL links to YouTube. But most people don’t understand or want to bother with the complication of getting a photo from their phone uploaded to a service like imgur and then copy-pasting the URL. You know what people are like – they expect everything to be like Facebook, and they aren’t particularly patient or tech-savvy.

    “Can we please upload pictures” is my most common request, and it’s just annoying that that functionality is entirely there, except for the fact that the default theme removes that option in mobile view and doesn’t present any way to get to it at all. People are almost entirely mobile users these days…

    Is your answer “no?” Is there a way of fiddling with the CSS to do what I’m asking? (I’m just not skilled enough to understand how to edit CSS.) If you’re filing a request how long might that take?

  • Hi there,

    I don’t believe that your request can be fulfilled by CSS. Also, it is hard to tell when or if a request will be handled by our developers. There are so many factors that determine when a feature request is addressed. However, @supernovia has officially filed the request and we’ll be sure to post in this thread if we receive any updates.


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